Books From University Presses

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Theories Of International Politics And Zombies - Thryft
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from $3.88

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This book is perfect for fans of the horror genre and students of international relations. It provides a unique and innovative way to approach theories in international relations through the lens of the zombie apocalypse. Drezner's use of popular zombie films and books to illustrate political theories is both engaging and informative. This book offers readers a fun and different way of thinking about world politics, opening our minds to new ways of approaching unknown threats.
Paths Not Taken : Political Pluralism in Post-war Singapore - Thryft
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Singapore's era of pluralism between the 1950s and 1970s was a time of extraordinary cultural, intellectual and political dynamism. Students, labour unions, ambitious political contenders, and representatives of the various ethnic communities all stepped forward to offer alternate visions of Singapore’s future from across the entire political spectrum. They generated a ferment of ideologies, priorities, perspectives and social visions such as mainstream 'official' Singapore politics had never known before and has not seen since.Post World War II histories generally follow a central theme of progress to establish the PAP political, economic and social model. Alternatives receive cursory treatment as problems, false starts, or difficulties to be overcome. This book reveals a more complex situation that involved a much larger cast of significant players, and gives due weight to the middle years of the twentieth century as a period that offered real alternatives, rather than a chaotic age before the dawn.The book will remind older Singaporeans of pages from their past, and will provide a younger generation with a novel perspective at their country’s past struggles. For outside observers, it offers a fascinating glimpse of a side of Singapore that has received relatively little attention.
The Restoration: A Political and Religious History of England and Wales, 1658-67 - Thryft
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from $7.90

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In less than a decade, the commonwealth of Oliver Cromwell was dramatically transformed into the very different realm of the Restoration monarchy. This is the first detailed account of this vital and eventful period, which witnessed the end of a republic, the reestablishment of royal government, naval wars, plague, religious persecution, and the destruction of the capital in the Great Fire. Drawing on a wealth of public and private manuscript sources to rework each issue anew, Hutton explores the way government policy was set and put into practice during these nine years and how national concerns, local issues, and various social, political, and religious groups all interacted to influence the shifting currents of the nation's affairs.
Why Globalization Works
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Martin Wolf | Yale University Press

Why Globalization Works

from $8.90

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Goodreads rating: 3.52

from $8.90

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59% off est. retail

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Recommendation: - This highly acclaimed book by Martin Wolf offers a powerful and balanced case for the global market economy. It unravels the complex concept of globalization, debunking common misconceptions and addressing the critiques against it. Wolf's deep understanding of the global economy, coupled with his persuasive defense of international economic integration, makes this book essential reading for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world. Whether you are a student, a policymaker, or simply curious about the forces shaping our globalized society, "Why Globalization Works" will enlighten and challenge your perspectives, ultimately paving the way for a more inclusive and prosperous global market economy. Note: Since it is a non-fiction book that appeals to a specific topic and audience, the recommendation focuses on the insights and value the book offers, rather than character development or compelling storytelling.
Political Hypocrisy : The Mask of Power, from Hobbes to Orwell and Beyond, Revised Edition - Thryft
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from $6.33

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67% off est. retail

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Political Hypocrisy by David Runciman could be a good read for individuals interested in exploring the concept of political truth-bending and the role of politicians in navigating truth and hypocrisy in politics. The book draws on the ideas of famous political thinkers and applies them to different kinds of hypocritical politicians throughout history, including some of the most well-known figures such as Hillary Clinton and Oliver Cromwell. The exploration of harmless and harmful hypocrisies and distinguishing between them could be the most unique aspect of the book.
Impressions of the Goh Chok Tong Years in Singapore - Thryft
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from $4.80

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Singapore experienced substantial changes during the 14-year tenure of the country's second Prime Minister, Goh Chok Tong (1990-2004). Coming after a long period of growth and stability, the period brought to office a new generation of political leaders who faced the task of sustaining and building upon the policies of their predecessors. There were social and cultural initiatives and significant challenges to the economy arising from the Asian crisis of 1998 and the SARS outbreak in 2003. This volume examines the changes that took place during the Goh premiership and assesses its legacy. The 45 essays in the volume review a range of issues from domestic politics and foreign policy to economic development, society, culture, the arts and media.
Constraints on the Waging of War : An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law - Thryft
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This fully revised fourth edition of Constraints on the Waging of War considers the development of the principal rules of international humanitarian law from their origins to the present day. Of particular focus are the rules governing weapons and the legal instruments through which respect for the law can be enforced. Combining theory and actual practice, this book appeals to specialists as well as to students turning to the subject for the first time.
On Mercy - Thryft
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Malcolm Bull | Princeton University Press

On Mercy

from $5.07

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Goodreads rating: 3.14

from $5.07

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80% off est. retail

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Is mercy more important than justice?Since antiquity, mercy has been regarded as a virtue. The power of monarchs was legitimated by their acts of clemency, their mercy demonstrating their divine nature. Yet by the end of the eighteenth century, mercy had become “an injustice committed against society . . . a manifest vice.” Mercy was exiled from political life. How did this happen?In this book, Malcolm Bull analyses and challenges the Enlightenment’s rejection of mercy. A society operating on principles of rational self-interest had no place for something so arbitrary and contingent, and having been excluded from Hobbes’s theory of the state and Hume’s theory of justice, mercy disappeared from the lexicon of political theory. But, Bull argues, these idealised conceptions have proved too limiting. Political realism demands recognition of the foundational role of mercy in society. If we are vulnerable to harm from others, we are in need of their mercy. By restoring the primacy of mercy over justice, we may constrain the powerful and release the agency of the powerless. And if arguments for capitalism are arguments against mercy, might the case for mercy challenge the very basis of our thinking about society and the state?An important contribution to contemporary political philosophy from an inventive thinker, On Mercy makes a persuasive case for returning this neglected virtue to the heart of political thought.
The Internet Challenge to Television - Thryft
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Bruce M. Owen | Harvard University Press

The Internet Challenge to Television

Regular price $5.95 from $3.90 48% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.33

Regular price $5.95 from $3.90 48% off

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90% off est. retail

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After a half-century of glacial creep, television technology has begun to change at the same dizzying pace as computer software. What this will mean--for television, for computers, and for the popular culture where these video media reign supreme--is the subject of this timely book. A noted communications economist, Bruce Owen supplies the essential a grasp of the economic history of the television industry and of the effects of technology and government regulation on its organization. He also explores recent developments associated with the growth of the Internet. With this history as a basis, his book allows readers to peer into the future--at the likely effects of television and the Internet on each other, for instance, and at the possibility of a convergence of the TV set, computer, and telephone. The digital world that Owen shows us is one in which communication titans jockey to survive what Joseph Schumpeter called the "gales of creative destruction." While the rest of us simply struggle to follow the new moves, believing that technology will settle the outcome, Owen warns us that this is a game in which Washington regulators and media hyperbole figure as broadly as innovation and investment. His book explains the game as one involving interactions among all the players, including consumers and advertisers, each with a particular goal. And he discusses the economic principles that govern this game and that can serve as powerful predictive tools.
The Politics Of Compassion - The Sichuan Earthquake And Civic Engagement In China - Thryft
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from $3.88

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96% off est. retail

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The Politics of Compassion is a thought-provoking book that sheds light on the complex social dynamics of civic engagement in China. Bin Xu's insightful analysis shows how civic engagement, while driven by empathy, is also constrained by political context. The book offers a unique perspective on the moral-political dilemma faced by Chinese citizens and the challenges of discussing politically sensitive issues in a repressive state. Overall, this is a must-read for anyone looking to understand contemporary China and the power dynamics behind civic engagement in the aftermath of a disaster.
The Rights of Subordinated Peoples - Thryft
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from $4.55

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These excellent essays consider the rights of subordinated peoples on several continents. The contributors base their comprehensive analysis on the Tribals and Untouchables of India, the Aborigines of Australia, the Indians of Brazil, indigenous people of the old USSR, the blacks of SouthAfrica, and women under fundamentalist Islam. Through their detailed study, they recognize that subordinate conditions must be primarily overthrown by the subordinated peoples themselves; and there are now clear signs that these people have begun to stand up for themselves as never before. Thecontributors which include David Maybury-Lewis, James Crawford, and Ramachandra Guha, are all experts in the field and their individual discussions of subordinated peoples will be essential reading for sociologists and those interested in Subaltern studies.
Impressions of the Goh Chok Tong Years in Singapore - Thryft
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from $6.50

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This book is a valuable read for anyone interested in Singapore's political history and how it transformed during the 14-year tenure of Goh Chok Tong. With a collection of thought-provoking essays analyzing a range of issues from domestic politics to societal changes, readers can gain a better understanding of Singapore's remarkable journey and Goh Chok Tong's legacy as the country's second prime minister.
Fighting for Status : Hierarchy and Conflict in World Politics - Thryft
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from $15.48

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65% off est. retail

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This book is a must-read for those interested in understanding the importance of status in global politics. Renshon's innovative approach combines statistical analysis, historical case studies, and a lab experiment to provide a compelling look at the causes and consequences of status dynamics on the global stage. Readers will gain insights into the nature of prestige in international conflicts, why states want status, how they get it, and the strategies they use to maximize or salvage their standing. Renshon moves beyond a focus on major powers and shows how different states construct status communities of peer competitors that shift over time.
Blackstone's EU Treaties And Legislation 2010-2011 - Thryft
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Nigel Foster | Oxford University Press

Blackstone's EU Treaties And Legislation 2010-2011

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 2.33

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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A valuable resource for law students' exams.
Redfern And Hunter On International Arbitration - Thryft
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Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Provides comprehensive up-to-date knowledge on international commercial arbitration. The book is a valuable resource for legal professionals looking to gain a deep understanding of everything concerning international commercial arbitration including legal context, recent developments, and legal procedures. It's a highly recommended book for law students and young practitioners interested in commercial arbitration.
To Dare More Boldly : The Audacious Story of Political Risk - Thryft
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from $3.49

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Ten lessons from history on the dos and don’ts of analyzing political riskOur baffling new multipolar world grows ever more complex, desperately calling for new ways of thinking, particularly when it comes to political risk. To Dare More Boldly provides those ways, telling the story of the rise of political risk analysis, both as a discipline and a lucrative high-stakes industry that guides the strategic decisions of corporations and governments around the world. It assesses why recent predictions have gone so wrong and boldly puts forward ten analytical commandments that can stand the test of time.Written by one of the field's leading practitioners, this incisive book derives these indelible rules of the game from a wide-ranging and entertaining survey of world history. John Hulsman looks at examples as seemingly unconnected as the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Third Crusade, the Italian Renaissance, America's founders, Napoleon, the Battle of Gettysburg, the British Empire, the Kaiser's Germany, the breakup of the Beatles, Charles Manson, and Deng Xiaoping's China. Hulsman makes sense of yesterday's world, and in doing so provides an invaluable conceptual tool kit for navigating today's.To Dare More Boldly creatively explains why political risk analysis is vital for business and political leaders alike, and authoritatively establishes the analytical rules of thumb that practitioners need to do it effectively.
High Culture Fever : Politics, Aesthetics, and Ideology in Deng's China - Thryft
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from $9.83

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Jing Wang offers the first overview of the feverish decade of the 1980s in China, from early reexaminations of Maoism through the crackdown in Tiananmen Square. Wang's energetic, creative, and highly intelligent take on Chinese culture provides a broad portrait of the post-revolutionary era and a provocative inquiry into the nature of Chinese modernity.In seven linked essays, the author examines the cultural dynamics that have given rise to the epochal discourse. She traces the Chinese Marxists' short debate over "socialist alienation" and examines the various schools of thought—Li Zehou and the Marxist Reconstruction of Confucianism, the neo-Confucian Revivalists, and the Enlightenment School—that came into play in the Culture Fever. She also critiques the controversial mini-series Yellow River Elegy . In mapping out China's post-revolutionary aesthetics, Wang introduces the debate over "pseudo-modernism," refutes the pseudo-proposition of "Chinese postmodernism," and looks at the dawning of popular culture in the 1990s.This book delivers a ten-year intertwined history of Chinese intellectuals, writers, literary critics, and cultural critics that gives us a deeper understanding of the China of the 1980s, the 1990s, and beyond.
Twentieth Century History: IGCSE : International Relations since 1919 - Thryft
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from $8.12

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Cambridge IGCSE Twentieth Century History covers the Cambridge IGCSE History syllabus and relates to the Twentieth Century core content. The theme of the book is International Relations from 1919 to the end of the 20th century. Lively and accessible text is based around lead questions matching those in the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus. Essential knowledge is provided through background briefings, analysis of issues through investigations and review sections to provide opportunities for revision.
Telecommunications Development in Asia - Thryft
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John Ure | Hong Kong University Press

Telecommunications Development in Asia

Regular price $21.90 from $16.90 23% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.5

Regular price $21.90 from $16.90 23% off

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If you're fascinated by how technology can transform societies, especially in a diverse and dynamic continent like Asia, "Telecommunications Development in Asia" could be your next insightful read. It takes a deep dive into the strategies that have spurred rapid growth in the region's telecom sector, fitting for anyone interested in policy, economics, or tech development. Plus, it's a follow-up to a work that's already proven its worth, making this sequel a promising addition to your collection.
The World Encyclopedia - Thryft
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Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press

The World Encyclopedia

Regular price $21.90 from $6.90 72% off

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Goodreads rating: 5.0

Regular price $21.90 from $6.90 72% off

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Recommended as a great resource for students, educators and anyone seeking comprehensive knowledge, with engaging illustrations, timelines and feature boxes.
Restless Giant : The United States from Watergate to Bush v. Gore - Thryft
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James T. Patterson | Oxford University Press, Usa

Restless Giant : The United States from Watergate to Bush v. Gore

Regular price $13.90 from $5.90 59% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.81

Regular price $13.90 from $5.90 59% off

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82% off est. retail

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Restless Giant is a well-researched and detailed account of the political and cultural changes in America from the 1970s to 2000. It offers a nuanced perspective on the "culture wars" and the country's relationship with the world, as well as highlighting the progress made in areas such as civil rights. This book could be a good read for history buffs and anyone interested in understanding the recent past and present-day America.
Bananas, Beaches and Bases					Making Feminist Sense of International Politics - Thryft
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Cynthia Enloe | University Of California Press

Bananas, Beaches and Bases Making Feminist Sense of International Politics

Regular price $12.90 from $10.90 16% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.17

Regular price $12.90 from $10.90 16% off

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If you're intrigued by the intersection of feminism and international relations, Cynthia H. Enloe's book could be right up your alley. She dissects global politics through a feminist lens, revealing how women's labor and experiences are often overlooked in diplomatic affairs. It'll change the way you view international power dynamics, making you appreciate the subtleties of gender in ways you might not have considered before.
Ethnic Conflict And Civic Life - Hindus And Muslims In India - Thryft
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Ashutosh Varshney | Yale University Press

Ethnic Conflict And Civic Life - Hindus And Muslims In India

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.04

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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94% off est. retail

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This book is highly recommended for those interested in learning about how civic engagement between different ethnic communities can help mitigate the risk of violence. It offers a detailed analysis of Hindu-Muslim conflict in India and provides insights on how bridging social capital can be used to cultivate relationships between communities and build resilience against conflict. The extensive research and nuanced understanding make it a must-read for anyone interested in the subject.
Contesting the Saudi State : Islamic Voices from a New Generation - Thryft
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from $10.22

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The terms Wahhabi or Salafi are seen as interchangeable and frequently misunderstood by outsiders. However, as Madawi al-Rasheed explains in a fascinating exploration of Saudi Arabia in the twenty-first century, even Saudis do not agree on their meaning. Under the influence of mass education, printing, new communication technology, and global media, they are forming their own conclusions and debating religion and politics in traditional and novel venues, often violating official taboos and the conservative values of the Saudi society. Drawing on classical religious sources, contemporary readings and interviews, Al-Rasheed presents an ethnography of consent and contest, exploring the fluidity of the boundaries between the religious and political. Bridging the gap between text and context, the author also examines how states and citizens manipulate religious discourse for purely political ends, and how this manipulation generates unpredictable reactions whose control escapes those who initiated them.
Oxford IB Diploma Programme: The Move to Global War Course Companion - Thryft
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from $15.89

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60% off est. retail

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This book is perfect for IB students who are looking for a comprehensive and structured guide to understanding the move to global war. With a clear and thorough structure, it provides deep content and topical learning material that convincingly connects historical learning with modern global context. This book helps learners critically evaluate sources, develop analytical thinking and enhance exam performance. The extensive examiner insights, examination samples and integrated key concepts make it an indispensable resource for learners looking to perform at an advanced level.
Corporate Governance : Principles, Policies and Practices - Thryft
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Bob Tricker | Oxford University Press

Corporate Governance : Principles, Policies and Practices

Regular price $16.90 from $6.90 60% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.08

Regular price $16.90 from $6.90 60% off

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84% off est. retail

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This book is an excellent guide for MBA and Master's students who want to delve deeper into the world of corporate governance. It provides a comprehensive analysis of different models and theories of corporate governance along with practical case studies that enrich the reader's experience. The book is authored by Bob Tricker who coined the phrase 'corporate governance' and therefore, contains insights gained from his 30 years of experience in studying governance issues. Additionally, the online resource center provides self-assessment exercises and MP3 files of interviews with board members and experts in the field, which makes this book a great choice for anyone who wants to dive deeper into corporate governance.
Multicultural Education, Critical Pedagogy, and the Politics of Difference - Thryft
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This book analyzes the intersection of multicultural education and critical pedagogy to challenge oppressive social relations. With 480 pages of thought-provoking content, it is a great read for educators interested in embracing diversity through critical teaching.
Locating Southeast Asia : Geographies of Knowledge and Politics of Space - Thryft
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from $9.20

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This book offers a multi-perspective understanding of Southeast Asia, highlighting the region's complex and diverse geographies, cultures, and politics. It provides valuable insights into the historical, cultural, and economic dimensions of Southeast Asia, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the region. The book's focus on different disciplinary perspectives and the significance of borders, transnational flows, and knowledge makes it unique and distinctive, contributing to a deeper understanding of this multifaceted region.
Personal Laws of Malaysia : An Introduction - Thryft
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from $5.10

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Two Cheers for Anarchism : Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play - Thryft
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from $11.12

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55% off est. retail

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Two Cheers for Anarchism could be a good read for someone looking to challenge traditional structures of hierarchy. Scott offers a unique perspective on everyday social and political interactions that inspire readers to consider constructive anarchism. The book celebrates the ingenuity and judgement of individuals exercising their creative and moral capacities. Readers will enjoy relatable anecdotes and examples that touch on a wide range of subjects, including globalization, assembly-line production, and historical explanation.
The European Union: A Very Short Introduction - Thryft
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from $4.75

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58% off est. retail

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This book is a great way to gain a comprehensive understanding of the European Union, from its inception to current times. It covers the Union's history, functioning and institutions, as well as its role beyond Europe. The updated edition covers the Lisbon treaty, the EU fiscal crisis, and the future of the Union. If you are interested in politics and international affairs, this book is a must-read.
After Hegemony - Cooperation And Discord In The World Political Economy - Thryft
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from $3.88

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Recommendation: After Hegemony is a perfect read for those interested in understanding the dynamics of international economics and politics. The book provides a detailed analysis of the theories of rational cooperation and how institutions play a crucial role in the global economy. Keohane's insights on cooperation and discord in the world political economy provide a compelling and highly informative read.
Elements of Land Law - Thryft
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Susan Francis Gray, Kevin Gray  | Oxford University Press

Elements of Land Law

Regular price $23.88 from $16.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.55

Regular price $23.88 from $16.72 30% off

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This book is a must-read for law students and legal professionals who want to understand the complicated world of land law. The book provides comprehensive coverage of land law, including recent legislation and case law in England and Wales, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada. The book also explains the social and political context of land law, making it accessible to readers who have limited knowledge of the subject. The concise chapters allow readers to focus on specific areas of interest, and the thorough footnoting and referencing encourage readers to explore topics in-depth.
Poised for Partnership : Deepening India-Japan Relations in the Asian Century - Thryft
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Regular price $6.07 from $5.07 16% off

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90% off est. retail

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This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about the India-Japan relationship and how to strengthen it further. The book covers a wide range of topics such as trade, investment, energy security, and global governance. The contributors offer insightful perspectives on their respective countries' interests, achievements, obstacles and propose concrete policies to ensure a lasting partnership. The book is a must-read for policymakers from both sides and anyone interested in the future of Asia.
In The Stream Of History - Shaping Foreign Policy For A New Era - Thryft
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Warren Christopher | Stanford University Press

In The Stream Of History - Shaping Foreign Policy For A New Era

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.0

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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This book is a great read for anyone interested in the political history of the United States in the 1990s. The author, Warren Christopher, was a key figure in President Clinton's administration, and his speeches offer unique insights into the country's foreign policy at the time. Christopher's personal reflections add a thoughtful and introspective dimension to the book.
No One's World : The West, the Rising Rest, and the Coming Global Turn - Thryft
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from $13.87

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49% off est. retail

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No One's World is a great read for those interested in understanding the shifting global geopolitical landscape. Charles A. Kupchan challenges the commonly held belief that the Western bubble will never burst. He emphasizes that the world is headed for political and ideological diversity and emerging powers will not defer to the West. This book can be recommended to anyone interested in politics and global affairs, as it provides a detailed strategy for striking a bargain between the West and the rising rest.
Public Law - Thryft
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Adam Tomkins | Oxford University Press

Public Law

Regular price $10.90 from $4.90 55% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.44

Regular price $10.90 from $4.90 55% off

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84% off est. retail

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Public Law's comprehensive historical analysis of the United Kingdom's constitutional law system is intended for readers who wish to explore the fundamentals of constitutionality and administrative law through critical thinking. With an emphasis on the notions of power and accountability, Tomkins brings to attention topics such as the royal constitution's lasting importance in the modern era, the separation of powers, and judicial review's regulation as a fundamental component of human rights' protection. This text will serve as an excellent introduction to those who want to delve into and reflect upon the legal system's underlying premises.
Professional Correctness : Literary Studies and Political Change - Thryft
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Stanley Fish | Oxford University Press

Professional Correctness : Literary Studies and Political Change

Regular price $11.47 from $8.03 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.26

Regular price $11.47 from $8.03 30% off

Unit price

72% off est. retail

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"Professional Correctness" is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of literary criticism and political activism. Stanley Fish provides a thought-provoking analysis of the debate between those who believe that literature should be used to effect social change and those who think it should remain apolitical. This book is particularly relevant in today's society, where social justice and advocacy are increasingly important topics in all fields.
Authoritarian States - Thryft
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from $16.17

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Drive critical, engaged learning and advanced skills development. Enabling comprehensive, rounded understanding, the student-centred approach actively develops the sophisticated skills key to performance in Paper 2. Developed directly with the IB for the 2015 syllabus, this Course Book fully supports the new comparative approach to learning.- Cover the new syllabus in the right level of depth, with rich, thorough subject content- Developed directly the with IB, with the most comprehensive support for the new syllabus with complete support for the comparative approach- Truly engage learners with topical, relevant material that convincingly connects learning with the modern, global world- Streamline your planning, with a clear and thorough structure helping you logically progress through the syllabus- Build the advanced-level skills learners need for Paper 2, with the student-led approach driving active skills development and strengthening exam performance-Integrate Approaches to learning with ATLs like thinking, communication, research and social skills built directly into learning- Help learners think critically about improving performance with extensive examiner insight and samples based on the latest exam format- Build an advanced level, thematic understanding with fully integrated Global Contexts, Key Concepts and TOK- Also available as an Online Course Book
Administrative Law : Cases and Materials - Thryft
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Jack Beatson, M. H. Matthews  | Oxford University Press

Administrative Law : Cases and Materials

Regular price $10.90 from $5.90 50% off

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Goodreads rating: 0.0

Regular price $10.90 from $5.90 50% off

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A comprehensive sourcebook of cases, statutes, and other material on the general principles of British administrative law, this new edition has been extensively revised and updated to reflect recent legal developments.
Bananas, Beaches and Bases : Making Feminist Sense of International Politics - Thryft
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from $15.53

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In this brand new radical analysis of globalization, Cynthia Enloe examines recent events―Bangladeshi garment factory deaths, domestic workers in the Persian Gulf, Chinese global tourists, and the UN gender politics of guns―to reveal the crucial role of women in international politics today.With all new and updated chapters, Enloe describes how many women's seemingly personal strategies―in their marriages, in their housework, in their coping with ideals of beauty―are, in reality, the stuff of global politics. Enloe offers a feminist gender analysis of the global politics of both masculinities and femininities, dismantles an apparently overwhelming world system, and reveals that system to be much more fragile and open to change than we think.
Empire - Thryft
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Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt  | Harvard University Press


Regular price $13.95 from $9.76 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.77

Regular price $13.95 from $9.76 30% off

Unit price

69% off est. retail

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"Empire is a thought-provoking analysis of the contemporary economic, cultural, and legal transformations taking place across the globe. It examines the emerging global order that draws on elements of U.S. constitutionalism, with its tradition of hybrid identities and expanding frontiers. The book discusses how this shift in concepts forms the philosophical basis of modern politics and how it's different from the imperialism of European dominance and capitalist expansion in previous eras. It's a must-read for political philosophy enthusiasts seeking an alternative political paradigm for a truly democratic global society."
First Responders - Inside The U.S. Strategy For Fighting The 2007-2009 Global Financial Crisis - Thryft
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Recommendation: 1. This book provides a captivating insider's view of the U.S. government's strategy in response to the 2007-2009 global financial crisis. Through the perspectives of the key decision-makers involved, it offers an unparalleled understanding of the internal debates, policy solutions, and the evaluation of successes and failures. If you're interested in unraveling the complexities of this critical period in history and gaining valuable insights for navigating future financial calamities, this book is a must-read. 2. The firsthand accounts from policymakers who led the government's response to the crisis make this book an invaluable historical document. It sheds light on the extraordinary measures taken by the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and other agencies to stabilize the financial system and the economy during this crucial period. Whether you're a student of history or someone seeking lessons for navigating future crises, this book provides unprecedented insight into the decision-making process and offers a comprehensive understanding of the global financial crisis.
The Scripting of a National History - Singapore and Its Pasts - Thryft
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from $8.90

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If you're into the interplay between history and politics, you'll find this deep dive into how Singapore's history has been shaped by its rulers truly fascinating. It's not just a book; it's an exploration of national identity, governance, and memory. It challenges accepted truths and shows how history is not just about the past, but about power, policies, and perceptions that shape a nation's soul.
The Next Great Globalization : How Disadvantaged Nations Can Harness Their Financial Systems to Get Rich - Thryft
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Regular price $9.88 from $6.92 30% off

Unit price

71% off est. retail

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the role of financial globalization in developing nations. Mishkin presents a hopeful vision of the potential benefits of financial globalization, while also providing a clear-eyed assessment of the potential risks and challenges. Through historical examples, he demonstrates how effective management of financial globalization can create opportunities for growth and prosperity, and suggests concrete policies for achieving these goals. Overall, this book offers a nuanced and persuasive argument for the importance of financial globalization in today's global economy.
The Growth of World Law - Thryft
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Percy Ellwood Corbett | Princeton University Press

The Growth of World Law

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from $16.77

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The Growth of World Law tells the story of the achievements that constitute an historic trend in the half century since the inauguration of the League of Nations, and documents transition from international law regulating conduct among states to world law for law transcending states and equally applicable to individuals, corporations, international organizations, and states.Originally published in 1971.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Educating the Democratic Mind - Thryft
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from $16.65

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"Educating the Democratic Mind" is a collection of essays that emphasizes the necessity of educating individuals for democracy. The book tackles the question of how children can be taught to accept differences and maintain a common life while responding positively to the demands of an increasingly diverse society. This book is ideal for readers who want to know more about democratic ideals and how to promote them within our society.
The Tibetan History Reader
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If you're intrigued by the intricacies of Tibet's evolution, this anthology is perfect for you. Compiled by experts, it gives a thorough view of Tibet's social, cultural, and political journey. From ancient times to modern-day transformations, it's an essential resource for anyone interested in Asian history or religious studies, providing a rich tapestry of this majestic region's past.
Talking to Strangers : Anxieties of Citizenship since Brown v. Board of Education - Thryft
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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their understanding of trust and citizenship in modern society. Allen tackles issues around interracial distrust, personal and political alienation, and suspicion of others by proposing techniques of citizenship based on political friendship. Sacrifice is central to this book, as it bridges citizenship and trust. Allen's insights are both trenchant and incisive, and she offers practical solutions for recognizing and reciprocating our daily sacrifices in a democracy. Talking to Strangers provides a renewed sense of hope for a revitalized democratic citizenry.
Who Cleans The Park? - Public Work And Urban Governance In New York City - Thryft
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"Who Cleans the Park?" is a must-read for those who are interested in understanding the invisible work that goes into maintaining public spaces. The authors offer unique insights into the changing nature of public work, from welfare reforms to public-private partnerships. With a focus on New York City, the book examines different groups of people who maintain parks, such as unionized city workers and non-profit park conservancies. It raises important questions about public work and who it ultimately benefits.