Books From University Presses

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The Third Revolution : Xi Jinping and the New Chinese State - Thryft
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Elizabeth C. Economy | Oxford University Press

The Third Revolution : Xi Jinping and the New Chinese State

Regular price $8.82 from $6.17 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.79

Regular price $8.82 from $6.17 30% off

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63% off est. retail

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The Third Revolution could be a good read for anyone interested in understanding the political and economic transformation underway in China under Xi Jinping's leadership. The book covers a wide range of topics including corruption, innovation, environmental concerns, and global presence, providing an in-depth analysis of each. This book is recommended for readers who are interested in understanding China's standing in global affairs and how China's evolution will impact the world in the future.
Justice and the Politics of Difference - Thryft
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from $11.48

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This book challenges the prevailing philosophical reduction of social justice to distributive justice. It critically analyzes basic concepts underlying most theories of justice, including impartiality, formal equality, and the unitary moral subjectivity. Starting from claims of excluded groups about decision making, cultural expression, and division of labor, Iris Young defines concepts of domination and oppression to cover issues eluding the distributive model. Democratic theorists, according to Young do not adequately address the problem of an inclusive participatory framework. By assuming a homogeneous public, they fail to consider institutional arrangements for including people not culturally identified with white European male norms of reason and respectability. Young urges that normative theory and public policy should undermine group-based oppression by affirming rather than suppressing social group difference. Basing her vision of the good society on the differentiated, culturally plural network of contemporary urban life, she argues for a principle of group representation in democratic publics and for group-differentiated policies. "This is an innovative work, an important contribution to feminist theory and political thought, and one of the most impressive statements of the relationship between postmodernist critiques of universalism and concrete thinking.... Iris Young makes the most convincing case I know of for the emancipatory implications of postmodernism." --Seyla Benhabib, State University of New York at Stony Brook
The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism
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John C. Bogle | Yale University Press

The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism

Regular price $13.90 from $10.90 28% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.82

Regular price $13.90 from $10.90 28% off

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70% off est. retail

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If you've ever been concerned about where your investments are really going, "The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism" is a book that can resonate with you. John C. Bogle, a finance pioneer, isn't just theorizing; he's spent his life in the investment trenches. His insights could alter how you perceive the responsibilities of financial guardians and the rights of investors like yourself.
The Political Philosophy of Hobbes : Its Basis and Its Genesis - Thryft
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from $5.41

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In this classic analysis, Leo Strauss pinpoints what is original and innovative in the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. He argues that Hobbes's ideas arose not from tradition or science but from his own deep knowledge and experience of human nature. Tracing the development of Hobbes's moral doctrine from his early writings to his major work The Leviathan, Strauss explains contradictions in the body of Hobbes's work and discovers startling connections between Hobbes and the thought of Plato, Thucydides, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, and Hegel.
The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia
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from $11.90

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If you're intrigued by the untold stories of people living on the fringes of society, "The Art of Not Being Governed" will be a revelation. It's not just a history book; it's an exploration of the human spirit's desire for autonomy. James C. Scott takes you on an odyssey through Zomia, introducing you to cultures that prioritized freedom over the constraints of statehood, a concept that challenges our understanding of civilization and governance. This book will shift your perspective and offer a deep dive into the lives of those who chose to exist outside the state's reach.
Reputation And Judicial Tactics - A Theory Of National And International Courts - Thryft
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Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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This book is recommended for those who want to understand the strategies used by national and international courts to ensure compliance with their judgments. It is a unique examination of how courts can improve their reputations and maximize their effectiveness. It provides valuable insights into the legal tactics used by courts and offers a comprehensive overview of the judicial process. Overall, readers will gain a better understanding of how courts function and the role they play in ensuring the rule of law.
Social Justice in the Liberal State - Thryft
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Bruce A. Ackerman | Yale University Press

Social Justice in the Liberal State

from $7.48

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Goodreads rating: 3.43

from $7.48

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Certain to become the most important work in political theory since John Rawls's A Theory of Justice, this book presents a brilliantly original, compelling vision of a just society-a world in which each of us may live his own life in his own way without denying the same right to others. Full of provocative discussions of issues ranging from education to abortion, it makes fascinating reading for anyone concerned with the future of the liberal democratic state.
Singapore Re-Engineering Success - Thryft
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from $5.90

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This book could be a good read for individuals interested in understanding the principles behind Singapore's success. Written by experts, the book provides a clear analysis of the challenges faced by Singapore and the solutions implemented to overcome them. The book offers valuable insights into the ways that Singapore remains relevant in the region, making it a must-read for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the country's success.
Pope Francis Among the Wolves : The Inside Story of a Revolution - Thryft
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from $10.33

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Marco Politi takes us deep inside the power struggle roiling the Roman Curia and the Catholic Church worldwide, beginning with Benedict XVI, the pope who famously resigned in 2013, and intensifying with the contested and unexpected election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, now known as Pope Francis. Politi's account balances the perspectives of Pope Francis's supporters, Benedict's sympathizers, and those disappointed members of the Catholic laity who feel alienated by the institution's secrecy, financial corruption, and refusal to modernize.Politi dramatically recounts the sexual scandals that have rocked the church and the accusations of money laundering and other financial misdeeds swirling around the Vatican and the Italian Catholic establishment. Pope Francis has tried to shine a light on these crimes, but his work has been met with resistance from entrenched factions. Politi writes of the decline in church attendance and vocations to the priesthood throughout the world as the church continues to prohibit divorced and remarried Catholics from receiving the communion wafer. He visits European parishes where women now perform the functions of missing male priests--and where the remaining parishioners would welcome the admission of women to the priesthood, if the church would allow it.Pope Francis's emphasis on pastoral compassion for all who struggle with the burden of family life has also provoked the ire of traditionalists in the Roman Curia and elsewhere. He knows from personal experience what life is like for the poor in Buenos Aires and other metropolises of the globalized world, and highlights the contrast between the vital, vibrant faith of these parishioners and the disillusionment of European Catholics. Pope Francis and his supporters are locked in a battle with the defenders of the traditional hard line and with ecclesiastical corruption. In this conflict, the future of Catholicism is at stake--and it is far from certain Francis will succeed in saving the institution from decline.
Between Debt and the Devil : Money, Credit, and Fixing Global Finance - Thryft
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from $11.86

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59% off est. retail

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Between Debt and the Devil is a great read for those interested in understanding the causes of the global financial crisis and discovering how credit creation can be managed. Adair Turner debunks myths related to fiat money and explains why public policy needs to restrict real estate lending and tax debt. Readers will gain insights into how inequality can be tackled, and why monetizing government debt and financing fiscal deficits with central-bank money might be necessary to escape past policy errors.
Oxford IB Diploma Programme: Authoritarian States Course Companion - Thryft
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Regular price $17.17 from $12.02 30% off

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76% off est. retail

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This book would be an excellent choice for students who are studying International Baccalaureate Program. The book is specifically designed to enhance critical thinking and advanced skills development. It covers the new syllabus in depth, with rich content. One unique feature of the book is its comparative approach to learning. The book provides learners with insight into authoritarian states while making convincing connections to the modern global world. The book provides extensive examiner insights and sample exams, which is a great way for learners to think critically about their performance to improve it.
World Politics and International Law - Thryft
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from $13.82

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This work tries to bridge the gap between international lawyers and those political scientists who write about international politics. In the first part, the author discusses the influence of Professor Morgenthau's realist school on the current thinking of political scientists and the abandonment of this school by its originator in the last years of his life. The author concludes that the best way to test the validity of different approaches is to discuss various international crises in the light of contrasting theories and to analyze each situation from both the legal and political points of view. In particular, he tries to ascertain to what extent vital national interests could be accommodated within an international legal framework, or could require a distortion of international rules in order to achieve national objectives. In the second part, the author dissects the Entebbe raid, where Israeli forces rescued a group of hostages being detained by hijackers at a Ugandan airport. His analysis shows the deficiencies of the international system in dealing with such a complex issue, where several contradictory principles of international law could be applied and were defended by various protagonists. The third part starts with a parallel problem--the Iranian hostages crisis, where a group of U.S. officials found themselves in an unprecedented situation of being captured by a band of students. A critical analysis of the handling of this problem by the Carter Administration is followed by vignettes of other crises faced by the Administration and by its successor, the Reagan Administration. This part is less analytical and more prescriptive. The author is no long satisfied with pointing out what went wrong; instead, he departs from the usual hands-off policy of political scientists and tries to indicate how much better each situation could have been handled if the decision makers had been paying more attention to international law and international organizations. The theme is slowly developed that in the long run national interest is better served not by practicing power politics and relying on the use of threat of force but by strengthening those international institutions that can provide a neutral environment for first slowing down a crisis and then finding an equitable solution acceptable to most of the parties in conflict. The value of this book lies primarily in giving the reader a real insight into several important issues of today that are familiar to most people only from newspaper headlines and television news. While not everybody can agree with all his criticisms of the mistakes of various governments, there is an honest attempt by the author to present issues impartially and to let the blame fall where it may. Being both an international lawyer and a political scientist, the author has had the advantage of combining the methodology of these two social sciences into a rich tapestry with some startling shades and tones.
How Democratic is the American Constitution? - Thryft
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from $13.46

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60% off est. retail

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"How Democratic is the American Constitution?" is a must-read for those who are interested in questioning the status quo and thinking critically about how the American political system functions in comparison to other democratic systems. The book sheds light on significant antidemocratic elements such as the federal system, bicameral legislature, judicial review and others. It challenges the legitimacy of the American constitution and encourages readers to consider opportunities for creating a more democratic society. The book is well-researched, informative, and thought-provoking.
Neoliberalism as Exception : Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignty - Thryft
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from $6.34

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This book is a must-read for anyone curious about how neoliberalism shapes the world we live in. Through captivating case studies, Aihwa Ong reveals the surprising ways in which different regimes adapt and manipulate the neoliberal agenda to exert control and compete globally. By shedding light on the exceptions and transformations that occur within governing practices, Ong unravels the complex relationship between power, knowledge, and citizenship. Prepare to question the traditional boundaries of sovereignty and discover the emergence of an interactive mode of citizenship that values marketable skills over national identity.
The Making of the New Deal : The Insiders Speak - Thryft
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Regular price $9.16 from $5.50 40% off

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There has never been a phenomenon in American life to equal the invasion of Washington by the young New Dealers―hundreds of men and women still in their twenties and thirties, brilliant and dedicated, trained in the law, economics, public administration, technology, pouring into public life to do nothing less than restructure American society. They proposed new programs, drafted legislation, staffed the new agencies. They were active in the Administration, the Congress, the courts, the news media. They fanned out all over America to discover the facts, plan ways of easing the pain of their foundering country, and report on the results. Many of them went on to be rich, famous, and powerful, but their early experience in Washington was perhaps the most inspiriting of their lives.Katie Louchheim was among those who arrived in Washington in the 1930s, and being a keen writer as well as the wife of a member of the SEC, she had a front-row seat for the spectacle of social progress. Now, a half-century later, she has gathered reminiscences from her old friends and colleagues, interviewed others, and woven them together into a lively, informal word-picture of that exciting time. Among the many insiders who recount their views are Alger Hiss, Robert C. Weaver, Paul A. Freund, James H. Rowe, Wilbur J. Cohen, Abe Fortas, David Riesman, and Joseph L. Rauh. This book, a singular and uplifting primary document of an extraordinary period, is destined to appeal across a wide spectrum of readers of American history.
An Inside Job - Policing And Police Culture In Britain - Thryft
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from $5.90

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the inner workings of the British police force. Through the author's personal experiences, readers gain insight into the habits, language, and culture of the police. The book offers a revealing and sometimes controversial perspective on the ideologies and humor that shape the force and is sure to be a thought-provoking read for those interested in criminal justice and law enforcement.
The Republican Experiment, 1848-1852 - Thryft
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from $5.07

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91% off est. retail

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"The Republican Experiment, 1848-1852" by Maurice Agulhon is a great read for history buffs interested in the events that shaped modern day French politics. The book delves into the bold attempt by the Second Republic to combine liberty with democracy for the first time in French history. Agulhon examines the social conditions and psychological mindset of the masses of new citizens which led to the Republic's temporary failure. This book is recommended for anyone interested in the history of popular culture and thought in France.
Political Theory and International Relations - Thryft
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Charles R. Beitz | Princeton University Press

Political Theory and International Relations

Regular price $7.90 from $5.90 34% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.72

Regular price $7.90 from $5.90 34% off

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This book is perfect for political science and international relations students looking to explore the concepts of state autonomy, distributive justice, and international morality. The author presents a comprehensive analysis of how political philosophy applies to today's global issues, with clear examples and well-researched arguments. Be prepared to engage in thought-provoking debates with fellow students and professors after reading this book.
A Passion for Democracy : American Essays - Thryft
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Benjamin R. Barber | Princeton University Press

A Passion for Democracy : American Essays

Regular price $15.91 from $11.14 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.75

Regular price $15.91 from $11.14 30% off

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76% off est. retail

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A Passion for Democracy: American Essays is a great read for individuals interested in understanding American democracy. The author lays out the importance of civic education and culture in relationship to democracy, and how technology could affect the very principles democracy rests upon. It's unique in its analysis of censorship and how it affects democracy. If you're looking for a thought-provoking and insightful read about democracy, this book is for you.
The United States And The End Of The Cold War - Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations - Thryft
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from $3.88

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This book is an insightful reassessment of the Cold War, shedding new light on its ending and its aftermath. The author, John Lewis Gaddis, provides a fresh assessment of the evolution of the war and offers thoughtful essays on the history of international relations during the last half century, including espionage, morality and containment. Gaddis concludes with a consideration of the problems and forces at work in the post-Cold War world. This is a great read for anyone interested in Cold War history and its implications on the future.
Beyond Repair? - America's Death Penalty - Thryft
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Regular price $8.68 from $5.90 36% off

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If you are drawn to complex moral issues, "Beyond Repair? - America's Death Penalty" will resonate deeply with you. This book offers a powerful exploration of one of the most contentious facets of the American justice system. You'll find yourself engrossed in a rigorous examination of capital punishment's inherent challenges, making it a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in law, ethics, or social justice.
Technologies of Freedom - Thryft
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from $16.03

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How can we preserve free speech in an electronic age? In a masterly synthesis of history, law, and technology, Ithiel de Sola Pool analyzes the confrontation between the regulators of the new communications technology and the First Amendment.
The Reign of Law : Marbury vs. Madison and the Origins of the American Political Imagination - Thryft
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from $11.81

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This book would be a great read for those who are interested in understanding the role of the Supreme Court in shaping American constitutional law. The book delves into the landmark Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison, which established the principle of judicial review and gave the Supreme Court the power to strike down unconstitutional laws. The author draws on modern cultural theory to explore the rhetorical techniques used by the courts to maintain our belief in the rule of law. This book is unique in its approach to understanding the evolution and significance of the rule of law.
Why Did They Kill? : Cambodia in the Shadow of Genocide - Thryft
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from $18.61

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Of all the horrors human beings perpetrate, genocide stands near the top of the list. Its toll is staggering: well over 100 million dead worldwide. Why Did They Kill? is one of the first anthropological attempts to analyze the origins of genocide. In it, Alexander Hinton focuses on the devastation that took place in Cambodia from April 1975 to January 1979 under the Khmer Rouge in order to explore why mass murder happens and what motivates perpetrators to kill. Basing his analysis on years of investigative work in Cambodia, Hinton finds parallels between the Khmer Rouge and the Nazi regimes. Policies in Cambodia resulted in the deaths of over 1.7 million of that country's 8 million inhabitants―almost a quarter of the population--who perished from starvation, overwork, illness, malnutrition, and execution. Hinton considers this violence in light of a number of dynamics, including the ways in which difference is manufactured, how identity and meaning are constructed, and how emotionally resonant forms of cultural knowledge are incorporated into genocidal ideologies.
Law And The New Developmental State - The Brazilian Experience In Latin American Context - Thryft
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Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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This book is a must-read for those interested in Latin American development policies. It offers a unique perspective on the emergence of a new developmental state in Brazil, which focuses on reducing inequality, promoting innovation, and using public-private partnerships to enhance the role of the state in economic development. Through insightful case studies, it introduces readers to the new roles of legal institutions in shaping innovative poverty-relief programs and trade policies. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive and nuanced analysis of the Brazilian experience and its significance for the role of law in development today.
International Law of Human Rights - Thryft
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Paul Sieghart | Oxford University Press

International Law of Human Rights

from $26.11

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Goodreads rating: 0.0

from $26.11

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Paul Sieghart now brings together for the first time in one volume all the substantive international law of human rights. He first introduces the subject and then considers, one by one, the approximately forty rights, with full cross references.
The New Zealand Macroeconomy : A Briefing on the Reforms and Their Legacy - Thryft
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from $5.08

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60% off est. retail

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This book is a good read for anyone interested in the economic history of New Zealand, and how it compares to other developed economies. The author provides a clear overview of the reforms that transformed the New Zealand economy in the 1980s and 1990s, and evaluates their long-term impact on economic growth, income distribution, and social welfare. The book is well-structured and easy to read, and provides a balanced assessment of the costs and benefits of the reforms. Readers will appreciate the clarity of the exposition and the insights into the policy choices that determined the fate of the New Zealand economy.
To Nation by Revolution : Indonesia in the 20th Century - Thryft
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from $12.13

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Recommendation: "To Nation by Revolution" offers a comprehensive analysis of modern Indonesian history, emphasizing the importance of political revolution as a means to achieve national unity. The author, Anthony Reid, draws comparisons to the French revolution and explores the consequences of the revolution in terms of violence, suffering, and loss of cultural traditions. This book is recommended for anyone interested in understanding the complex history of Indonesia and the impact of revolution on the nation-state.
On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays
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from $6.90

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42% off est. retail

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If you're looking to understand the bedrock principles shaping modern political thought, Mill's collection is pivotal. Not only does it delve into fundamental issues like liberty, ethics, and gender equality, but also it's essential for anyone intrigued by the underpinnings of Western political systems. Reading these essays might feel like you're in conversation with the very ideas that support contemporary debates about individual and societal values.
International Relations And The European Union - Thryft
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Christopher J. Hill, Michael Smith  | Oxford University Press

International Relations And The European Union

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.55

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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93% off est. retail

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This book is an insightful guide to the European Union's role in global affairs, focusing on its power, processes, and place in the international community. The authors skillfully examine the EU's impact on the global stage, making it an essential read for students and practitioners of international relations.
Authority Participation and Cultural Change in China : Essays by a European Study Group - Thryft
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from $13.85

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This book serves as a historical account of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, from its immediate consequences to its long-term effects. The essays explore topics related to leadership, participation, economic development and social change in China. With Schram's introduction, readers gain a broad historical perspective of the Chinese revolution since the end of the 19th century. This book is perfect for history enthusiasts who want to learn more about the Chinese Cultural Revolution and its impact on China.
Modeling Monetary Economies - Thryft
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from $12.48

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The approach of this text for upper-level undergraduates is to teach monetary economics using the classical paradigm of rational agents in a market setting. By teaching from first principles, the authors aim to instruct students not only in the monetary policies and institutions that exist today in the United States but also in what policies and institutions may or should exist tomorrow and elsewhere. The text builds on a simple, clear monetary model and applies this framework consistently to a wide variety of monetary questions. The authors have added in this second edition new material on speculative attacks on currencies, social security, currency boards, central banking alternatives, the payments system, and the Lucas model of price surprises. Discussions of many topics have been extended, presentations of data greatly expanded, and new exercises added.
Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy - Thryft
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from $13.92

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A recommended read for political science majors, or anyone with an advanced understanding of modern political philosophy. Rawls provides a comprehensive overview of key figures and strands of liberalism and democratic constitutionalism, offering critical analyses of their doctrines and most influential proponents. His lectures on Bishop Joseph Butler are also included in an appendix. This volume serves as a fitting final addition to Rawls's oeuvre and to the history of political philosophy.
Neoliberalism As Exception - Mutations In Citizenship And Sovereignty - Thryft
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from $5.07

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84% off est. retail

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This book is a great read for those interested in exploring the changing nature of citizenship and sovereignty in the modern world. Aihwa Ong's analysis of the impact of neoliberalism on immigration and transnational populations offers a fresh perspective on the topic. Ong's writing style is clear and concise, making complex concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Overall, Neoliberalism As Exception is a thought-provoking and insightful work that is highly recommended for anyone interested in the politics of citizenship and sovereignty.
Abe Fortas : A Biography - Thryft
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Laura Kalman | Yale University Press

Abe Fortas : A Biography

from $20.65

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Goodreads rating: 3.92

from $20.65

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Abe Fortas was a New Dealer, a sub-cabinet official, the founder of an eminent Washington law firm, a close adviser to Lyndon Johnson, and a Supreme Court justice. Nominated by Johnson to be Chief Justice, he was rejected by Congress and resigned from the Court early in the Nixon administration under a cloud of impending scandal. This engrossing book--the first full biography of Abe Fortas--tells his dramatic story.Drawing on Fortas's previously unavailable personal papers, on numerous archives, and on extensive interviews with his family and associates, Laura Kalman, a historian and lawyer, illuminates Fortas's evolution from New Dealer to Washington lawyer to Great Society liberal, and in so doing also provides a unique view of American liberalism from the 1930s through the 1960s."There was no single Abe Fortas," writes Kalman. "There was a variety of personae, and Fortas moved comfortably from one to another. Kalman describes Fortas's various personae:* the boy who as "Fiddlin' Abe" played the violin in dance bands to earn spending money and who grew to consider chamber music the love of his life;* the Jew who cared more about Israel than Judaism;* the civil libertarian who worked for irascible Harold Ickes as Under Secretary of the Interior during the New Deal, who defended those charged with disloyalty by Joseph McCarthy, and promoted social justice on the Court;* the urbane corporate lawyer whose friends became clients and whose clients became friends;* the brilliant legal tactician who secured Lyndon Johnson's Senate seat in 1948 and whose successful defense of the Gideon case was described by William O. Douglas as "the best single argument" he heard in all his years on the Supreme Court;* the Supreme Court justice who willingly risked compromising his judicial integrity to advise President Johnson;* the man who hobnobbed with the powerful yet was powerless to combat the attacks against him when he was a Supreme Court justice, and whose resignation from the Court contributed to the destruction of the liberal agenda for social reform.Reflecting on the various aspects of Fortas's enigmatic personality and the events of his life, Kalman creates a new portrait of the man that is more insightful and complete than any yet published. Engagingly written and superbly researched, this is the authoritative account of Fortas and the legal and political history he helped to shape.
The Curriculum : Problems, Politics, and Possibilities (Second Edition) - Thryft
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Regular price $13.32 from $9.32 30% off

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69% off est. retail

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"The Curriculum" is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of education policy and practice. The book offers a comprehensive analysis of historical and contemporary efforts to redefine the public school curriculum, and raises important questions about the nature and direction of educational policies and practices. The book's most unique and distinctive feature is its focus on both theoretical and practical aspects of the curriculum, and how they are connected to social values and purposes. This makes it an ideal read for educators and policymakers alike, as it helps to elucidate the meaning and value of education amidst continuing debates in the field.
Bringing The State Back In - Thryft
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Peter B. Evans, Theda Skocpol, Dietrich Rueschemeyer  | Cambridge University Press

Bringing The State Back In

Regular price $6.29 from $2.70 57% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.66

Regular price $6.29 from $2.70 57% off

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93% off est. retail

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Recommended for scholars of politics, economics, sociology. Analyzes the role of the state in different contexts and time periods, offering new insights and directions for future research.
Paradoxes of Mahathirism: An Intellectual Biography of Mahathir Mohamad - Thryft
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Khoo Boo Teik | Oxford University Press

Paradoxes of Mahathirism: An Intellectual Biography of Mahathir Mohamad

Regular price $10.90 from $6.90 41% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.6

Regular price $10.90 from $6.90 41% off

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The book is ideal for readers interested in Malaysian politics and the intellectual evolution of Mahathir Mohamad. The author provides a comprehensive analysis of Mahathir's character, beliefs and worldview. This book delves into Mahathir's leadership style and how it shaped the history of Malaysia. It provides insights into the legacy of Mahathir's early life and the medical influence on his politics.
Unbalanced : The Co-dependency of America and China - Thryft
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from $1.74

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The Chinese and U.S. economies have been locked in an uncomfortable embrace since the late 1970s. Although the relationship initially arose out of mutual benefits, in recent years it has taken on the trappings of an unstable codependence, with the two largest economies in the world losing their sense of self, increasing the risk of their turning on one another in a destructive fashion.   In The Codependency of America and China Stephen Roach, senior fellow at Yale University and former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, lays bare the pitfalls of the current China-U.S. economic relationship. He highlights the conflicts at the center of current tensions, including disputes over trade policies and intellectual property rights, sharp contrasts in leadership styles, the role of the Internet, the recent dispute over cyberhacking, and more. A firsthand witness to the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s, Roach likely knows more about the U.S.-China economic relationship than any other Westerner. Here he    In the wake of the 2008 crisis, both unbalanced economies face urgent and mutually beneficial rebalancings. Unbalanced concludes with a recipe for resolving the escalating tensions of codependence. Roach argues that the Next China offers much for the Next America—and vice versa.
The Fundamentals of Political Science Research - Thryft
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Paul M. Kellstedt, Guy D. Whitten  | Cambridge University Press

The Fundamentals of Political Science Research

Regular price $10.74 from $6.44 40% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.37

Regular price $10.74 from $6.44 40% off

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The Fundamentals of Political Science Research provides an introduction to the scientific study of politics. It offers the basic tools necessary for readers to become both critical consumers and beginning producers of scientific research on politics. Professors Kellstedt and Whitten present an integrated approach to research design and empirical analyses in which researchers can develop and test causal theories. The authors use examples from political science research that students will find interesting and inspiring, and that will help them understand key concepts. The book makes technical material accessible to students who might otherwise be intimidated by mathematical examples. This revised second edition refines discussions from the first edition, with a new chapter on how to write an original research project. The second edition also contains an additional forty exercises and adds definitions for terms discussed in each chapter.
Empire - Thryft
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Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt  | Harvard University Press


from $6.75

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Goodreads rating: 3.77

from $6.75

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74% off est. retail

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Empire by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri is an in-depth analysis of the new political order of globalization. It offers a philosophical transformation that is essential for modern politics, identifying a shift in concepts centring sovereignty, nation and people. Additionally, it introduces alternative political paradigms that can form the basis for a democratic global society. The analysis includes cultural and economic changes in postmodern society, networks of communication and control, transnational corporations and the increasing use of post-industrial labor and production. It is an excellent read for anyone seeking to understand globalization and the global political economy.
Democratic Hope : Pragmatism and the Politics of Truth - Thryft
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Robert B. Westbrook | Cornell University Press

Democratic Hope : Pragmatism and the Politics of Truth

Regular price $10.16 from $7.11 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.13

Regular price $10.16 from $7.11 30% off

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Democratic Hope is a great read for individuals interested in pragmatism and its impact on American political thought. The author examines the works of classical pragmatists such as John Dewey, William James, and Charles Peirce, and reviews the recent revival of pragmatism by Rorty, Cheryl Misak, Richard Posner, Cornel West, and other contemporary American political thinkers. The book argues for a hopeful vision of deliberative democracy, underwritten by a pragmatist epistemology and ethics.
Blackstone's Statutes On Public Law And Human Rights 2010-2011 - Thryft
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Robert Gregory Lee | Oxford University Press

Blackstone's Statutes On Public Law And Human Rights 2010-2011

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 0.0

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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This book would be a great resource for law students or anyone interested in public law and human rights. Its comprehensive and up-to-date selection of legislation makes it a valuable tool for research and study. The detailed tables of contents and web links make it easy to navigate and find the necessary information quickly. Overall, a must-read for anyone interested in this field.
Corporate Governance - Thryft
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Christine A. Mallin | Oxford University Press

Corporate Governance

Regular price $8.90 from $6.90 22% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.98

Regular price $8.90 from $6.90 22% off

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If you're diving into the intricate world of corporate governance, this book offers a broad perspective essential for understanding how businesses operate globally. It isn't just for students, but for anyone keen on making sense of high-profile corporate failures and the complex mechanisms designed to forestall them. Christine Mallin's approach is both academic and approachable, providing insights that could guide you in your career or just satisfy your curiosity about the business world's inner workings.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics - Thryft
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from $5.10

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Written by an expert team of political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and political economists, this is the most authoritative and up-to-date dictionary of politics available. Containing over 1,500 entries ranging from John Adams and Young Hegelians to Additional Member System andzero-sum game, this comprehensive and entertaining work offers international coverage of major political institutions, thinkers, and concepts. All significant political thinkers and designers of political institutions are in the West are included, and special attention is give to Muslim and Chinesepolitical thought. There are many entries in new and thriving branches of the subject, such as international political economy, voting theory, and feminism. The Dictionary also gives clear and precise definitions of technical terms such as Condorcet winner , Droop quota , and ultra vires , and includesan appendix of political leaders for a wide range of countries and international institutions. Designed especially for general readers and students new to the subject, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics will be an invaluable reference aid for anybody who wishes to learn about politics fromaround the world.
The Strategy of Conflict : With a New Preface by the Author - Thryft
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Thomas C. Schelling | Harvard University Press

The Strategy of Conflict : With a New Preface by the Author

Regular price $12.28 from $7.37 40% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.0

Regular price $12.28 from $7.37 40% off

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This book provides enlightening similarities between real-life situations and game theory. It offers unique insights into the decision-making process in situations of negotiation, war, criminal deterrence, extortion, and tacit bargaining. Users with an interest in game theory and its practical applications in real-life scenarios would find this book insightful.
US-Singapore Relations, 1965-1975 : Strategic Non-alignment in the Cold War - Thryft
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from $15.01

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Recommendation: This book delves into the intricate interplay between the US's containment strategy and Singapore's non-alignment foreign policy during the height of the Cold War. The author argues that Singapore's success is largely attributed to the support it received from the US, which in turn catalysed economic and strategic cooperation. This book would be a great read for political science enthusiasts and those interested in Southeast Asian history and foreign relations.
The Cyprus Question And The Turkish Position In International Law - Thryft
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Zaim M. Necatigil | Oxford University Press

The Cyprus Question And The Turkish Position In International Law

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 0.0

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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This book is recommended for individuals interested in understanding the Turkish perspective on the Cyprus question and its legal implications. The unique feature of the book is that it examines a controversial issue from a specific country's perspective, shedding light on a different viewpoint. It would be most effective for readers who seek a comprehensive understanding of the legal issues surrounding the developments in Cyprus and the political negotiations during the 1980s.
Locating Southeast Asia : Geographies of Knowledge and Politics of Space - Thryft
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from $9.20

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Southeast Asia has never formed a unified political realm nor has it ever developed a cultural or civilizational unity. The present volume brings together observations about "Southeast Asia" drawn from a number of regional and disciplinary perspectives. The authors look at the region from the standpoint of Thailand and the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong, Japan and the Asian mainland, the South China Sea and the seacoasts of the region. They also consider the significance of borders and of a monetary network, of transnational flows of people, goods and information, and of knowledge in shaping Southeast Asia both for its residents and in the eyes of a wider world.
Many Globalizations - Cultural Diversity In The Contemporary World - Thryft
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"Many Globalizations" is a great read for anyone interested in understanding the complex relationship between globalization and cultural diversity. The book provides unique insights into how people in different parts of the world navigate their indigenous values and cultural practices amidst globalization. The authors' detailed account of the experiences of citizens from ten countries makes the book a must-read for anyone interested in the cultural impact of globalization.