Books From University Presses

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Metaphors We Live By
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from $8.90

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If you've ever wondered how language influences our reality, "Metaphors We Live By" could unravel that mystery. Lakoff and Johnson delve into the underpinnings of our thought processes, showing how metaphors go beyond decorative language—they forge our conceptual framework. This isn't just an academic text; it's a mind-expanding read that could change the way you perceive the world and articulate ideas.
The Political Philosophy of Hobbes : Its Basis and Its Genesis - Thryft
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from $5.41

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In this classic analysis, Leo Strauss pinpoints what is original and innovative in the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. He argues that Hobbes's ideas arose not from tradition or science but from his own deep knowledge and experience of human nature. Tracing the development of Hobbes's moral doctrine from his early writings to his major work The Leviathan, Strauss explains contradictions in the body of Hobbes's work and discovers startling connections between Hobbes and the thought of Plato, Thucydides, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, and Hegel.
Reputation And Judicial Tactics - A Theory Of National And International Courts - Thryft
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Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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This book is recommended for those who want to understand the strategies used by national and international courts to ensure compliance with their judgments. It is a unique examination of how courts can improve their reputations and maximize their effectiveness. It provides valuable insights into the legal tactics used by courts and offers a comprehensive overview of the judicial process. Overall, readers will gain a better understanding of how courts function and the role they play in ensuring the rule of law.
Social Justice in the Liberal State - Thryft
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Bruce A. Ackerman | Yale University Press

Social Justice in the Liberal State

from $7.48

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Goodreads rating: 3.43

from $7.48

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Certain to become the most important work in political theory since John Rawls's A Theory of Justice, this book presents a brilliantly original, compelling vision of a just society-a world in which each of us may live his own life in his own way without denying the same right to others. Full of provocative discussions of issues ranging from education to abortion, it makes fascinating reading for anyone concerned with the future of the liberal democratic state.
The Promise of Happiness - Thryft
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Sara Ahmed | Duke University Press Books

The Promise of Happiness

from $11.57

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Goodreads rating: 4.3

from $11.57

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The Promise of Happiness is a provocative cultural critique of the imperative to be happy. It asks what follows when we make our desires and even our own happiness conditional on the happiness of others: “I just want you to be happy”; “I’m happy if you’re happy.” Combining philosophy and feminist cultural studies, Sara Ahmed reveals the affective and moral work performed by the “happiness duty,” the expectation that we will be made happy by taking part in that which is deemed good, and that by being happy ourselves, we will make others happy. Ahmed maintains that happiness is a promise that directs us toward certain life choices and away from others. Happiness is promised to those willing to live their lives in the right way.Ahmed draws on the intellectual history of happiness, from classical accounts of ethics as the good life, through seventeenth-century writings on affect and the passions, eighteenth-century debates on virtue and education, and nineteenth-century utilitarianism. She engages with feminist, antiracist, and queer critics who have shown how happiness is used to justify social oppression, and how challenging oppression causes unhappiness. Reading novels and films including Mrs. Dalloway, The Well of Loneliness, Bend It Like Beckham, and Children of Men, Ahmed considers the plight of the figures who challenge and are challenged by the attribution of happiness to particular objects or social ideals: the feminist killjoy, the unhappy queer, the angry black woman, and the melancholic migrant. Through her readings she raises critical questions about the moral order imposed by the injunction to be happy.
Need To Know - Vocation As The Heart Of Christian Epistemology - Thryft
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from $3.88

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"Need to Know" is a valuable read for serious Christians seeking guidance in making everyday decisions of all kinds. The book presents a clear and comprehensive model for Christian thinking grounded in both theological tradition and a wide range of influential thinkers from history. At the heart of the book is the concept of vocation, which Stackhouse uses to argue that God will provide the knowledge needed for Christians to successfully accomplish their goals in the world.
Animal Rights: A Very Short Introduction
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David DeGrazia | Oxford University Press, Usa

Animal Rights: A Very Short Introduction

Regular price $7.90 from $5.90 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.63

Regular price $7.90 from $5.90 30% off

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50% off est. retail

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If you've ever pondered the moral implications of our relationship with animals, "Animal Rights: A Very Short Introduction" could offer you some thought-provoking perspectives. David DeGrazia presents complex issues like animal welfare, cognition, and ethics in a format that's digestible and engaging, yet still rigorous. Perfect for someone looking to delve into animal rights without getting lost in academic jargon.
Doing Philosophy at the Movies - Thryft
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from $12.35

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"Doing Philosophy at the Movies is a must-read for cinema lovers and philosophy enthusiasts alike. Through various cinematic masterpieces, Richard A. Gilmore explores complex philosophical ideas like redemption, catharsis and the human condition of mortality. Readers will appreciate how the author reveals the relevance of philosophy in popular culture, allowing them to gain a new appreciation for their favorite films while also deepening their understanding of philosophy."
Neoliberalism as Exception : Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignty - Thryft
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from $6.34

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This book is a must-read for anyone curious about how neoliberalism shapes the world we live in. Through captivating case studies, Aihwa Ong reveals the surprising ways in which different regimes adapt and manipulate the neoliberal agenda to exert control and compete globally. By shedding light on the exceptions and transformations that occur within governing practices, Ong unravels the complex relationship between power, knowledge, and citizenship. Prepare to question the traditional boundaries of sovereignty and discover the emergence of an interactive mode of citizenship that values marketable skills over national identity.
Heidegger: A Very Short Introduction
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from $29.90

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If you're venturing into the world of existential thought, this book distills Heidegger's complex ideas into an accessible format. It could act as a great springboard into deeper philosophical texts, or simply broaden your understanding of one of the 20th century's most profound thinkers. It's perfect for those seeking to grasp profound concepts in a concise and clear way.
A Passion for Democracy : American Essays - Thryft
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Benjamin R. Barber | Princeton University Press

A Passion for Democracy : American Essays

Regular price $15.91 from $11.14 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.75

Regular price $15.91 from $11.14 30% off

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76% off est. retail

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A Passion for Democracy: American Essays is a great read for individuals interested in understanding American democracy. The author lays out the importance of civic education and culture in relationship to democracy, and how technology could affect the very principles democracy rests upon. It's unique in its analysis of censorship and how it affects democracy. If you're looking for a thought-provoking and insightful read about democracy, this book is for you.
The United States And The End Of The Cold War - Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations - Thryft
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from $3.88

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This book is an insightful reassessment of the Cold War, shedding new light on its ending and its aftermath. The author, John Lewis Gaddis, provides a fresh assessment of the evolution of the war and offers thoughtful essays on the history of international relations during the last half century, including espionage, morality and containment. Gaddis concludes with a consideration of the problems and forces at work in the post-Cold War world. This is a great read for anyone interested in Cold War history and its implications on the future.
Technologies of Freedom - Thryft
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from $16.03

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How can we preserve free speech in an electronic age? In a masterly synthesis of history, law, and technology, Ithiel de Sola Pool analyzes the confrontation between the regulators of the new communications technology and the First Amendment.
Ways to be Blameworthy : Rightness, Wrongness, and Responsibility - Thryft
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from $8.58

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75% off est. retail

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There must be some connection between our deontic notions, rightness and wrongness, and our responsibility notions, praise- and blameworthiness.Yet traditional approaches to each set of concepts tend to take the other set for granted. This book takes an integrated approach to these questions, drawing on both ethics and responsibility theory, and thereby illuminating both sets of concepts. Elinor Mason describes this as ‘normative responsibility theory’: the primary aim is not to give an account of the conditions of agency, but to give an account of what sort of wrong action makes blame fitting. She presents a pluralistic view of both obligation and blameworthiness, identifying three different ways to be blameworthy, corresponding to different ways of acting wrongly. First, ordinary blameworthiness is essentially connected to subjective wrongness, to acting wrongly by one’s own lights. Subjective obligation, and ordinary praise and blame, apply only to those who are within our moral community, who understand and share our value system. By contrast, detached blame can apply even when the agent is outside our moral community, andhas no sense that her act is morally wrong. In detached blame, the blame rather than the blameworthiness is fundamental. Finally, agents can take responsibility for some inadvertent wrongs, and thus become responsible. This third sort of blameworthiness, ‘extended blameworthiness’, applies when the agent understands the objective wrongness of her act, but has no bad will. In such cases, the social context may be such that the agent should take responsibility, and accept ordinary blame from the wronged party.
Law And The New Developmental State - The Brazilian Experience In Latin American Context - Thryft
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Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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This book is a must-read for those interested in Latin American development policies. It offers a unique perspective on the emergence of a new developmental state in Brazil, which focuses on reducing inequality, promoting innovation, and using public-private partnerships to enhance the role of the state in economic development. Through insightful case studies, it introduces readers to the new roles of legal institutions in shaping innovative poverty-relief programs and trade policies. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive and nuanced analysis of the Brazilian experience and its significance for the role of law in development today.
Time and Narrative: v. 1 - Thryft
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from $9.81

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Time and Narrative builds on Paul Ricoeur's earlier analysis, in The Rule of Metaphor, of semantic innovation at the level of the sentence. Ricoeur here examines the creation of meaning at the textual level, with narrative rather than metaphor as the ruling concern.Ricoeur finds a "healthy circle" between time and narrative: time is humanized to the extent that it portrays temporal experience. Ricoeur proposes a theoretical model of this circle using Augustine's theory of time and Aristotle's theory of plot and, further, develops an original thesis of the mimetic function of narrative. He concludes with a comprehensive survey and critique of modern discussions of historical knowledge, understanding, and writing from Aron and Mandelbaum in the late 1930s to the work of the Annales school and that of Anglophone philosophers of history of the 1960s and 1970s."This work, in my view, puts the whole problem of narrative, not to mention philosophy of history, on a new and higher plane of discussion."—Hayden White, History and Theory "Superb. . . . A fine point of entrance into the work of one of the eminent thinkers of the present intellectual age."—Joseph R. Gusfield, Contemporary Sociology
On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays
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from $6.90

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42% off est. retail

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If you're looking to understand the bedrock principles shaping modern political thought, Mill's collection is pivotal. Not only does it delve into fundamental issues like liberty, ethics, and gender equality, but also it's essential for anyone intrigued by the underpinnings of Western political systems. Reading these essays might feel like you're in conversation with the very ideas that support contemporary debates about individual and societal values.
Neoliberalism As Exception - Mutations In Citizenship And Sovereignty - Thryft
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from $5.07

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84% off est. retail

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This book is a great read for those interested in exploring the changing nature of citizenship and sovereignty in the modern world. Aihwa Ong's analysis of the impact of neoliberalism on immigration and transnational populations offers a fresh perspective on the topic. Ong's writing style is clear and concise, making complex concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Overall, Neoliberalism As Exception is a thought-provoking and insightful work that is highly recommended for anyone interested in the politics of citizenship and sovereignty.
Empire - Thryft
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Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt  | Harvard University Press


from $6.75

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Goodreads rating: 3.77

from $6.75

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74% off est. retail

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Empire by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri is an in-depth analysis of the new political order of globalization. It offers a philosophical transformation that is essential for modern politics, identifying a shift in concepts centring sovereignty, nation and people. Additionally, it introduces alternative political paradigms that can form the basis for a democratic global society. The analysis includes cultural and economic changes in postmodern society, networks of communication and control, transnational corporations and the increasing use of post-industrial labor and production. It is an excellent read for anyone seeking to understand globalization and the global political economy.
Democratic Hope : Pragmatism and the Politics of Truth - Thryft
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Robert B. Westbrook | Cornell University Press

Democratic Hope : Pragmatism and the Politics of Truth

Regular price $10.16 from $7.11 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.13

Regular price $10.16 from $7.11 30% off

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71% off est. retail

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Democratic Hope is a great read for individuals interested in pragmatism and its impact on American political thought. The author examines the works of classical pragmatists such as John Dewey, William James, and Charles Peirce, and reviews the recent revival of pragmatism by Rorty, Cheryl Misak, Richard Posner, Cornel West, and other contemporary American political thinkers. The book argues for a hopeful vision of deliberative democracy, underwritten by a pragmatist epistemology and ethics.
American Legal Realism - Thryft
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William W. Fisher III | Oxford University Press

American Legal Realism

from $13.17

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Goodreads rating: 4.0

from $13.17

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77% off est. retail

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"American Legal Realism" is a must-read for law students and legal scholars. The book provides a collection of readings that were written between 1900 and 1940 by prominent writers on the subject, including Roscoe Pound, Karl Llewellyn, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. The authors provide historical context for each selection, making it easy to understand the various debates surrounding Legal Realism. The book’s concise biographical notes and selective bibliography add value and provide a great starting point for those interested in the subject.
The Landscape of History : How Historians Map the Past - Thryft
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from $10.65

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The Landscape of History is a concise, yet informative guide that explores the historian's craft and the importance of history in our modern world. Gaddis expertly dissects the myths and misconceptions surrounding historical research, and offers a fresh perspective that encourages readers to engage in critical thinking. Whether you're a history buff, student, or a curious reader, this book is an excellent resource that will strengthen your understanding of the past and present.
Corporate Governance - Thryft
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Christine A. Mallin | Oxford University Press

Corporate Governance

Regular price $8.90 from $6.90 22% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.98

Regular price $8.90 from $6.90 22% off

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If you're diving into the intricate world of corporate governance, this book offers a broad perspective essential for understanding how businesses operate globally. It isn't just for students, but for anyone keen on making sense of high-profile corporate failures and the complex mechanisms designed to forestall them. Christine Mallin's approach is both academic and approachable, providing insights that could guide you in your career or just satisfy your curiosity about the business world's inner workings.
Many Globalizations - Cultural Diversity In The Contemporary World - Thryft
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from $3.88

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81% off est. retail

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"Many Globalizations" is a great read for anyone interested in understanding the complex relationship between globalization and cultural diversity. The book provides unique insights into how people in different parts of the world navigate their indigenous values and cultural practices amidst globalization. The authors' detailed account of the experiences of citizens from ten countries makes the book a must-read for anyone interested in the cultural impact of globalization.
Rage And Time - A Psychopolitical Investigation - Thryft
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from $18.99

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This book is a must-read for those interested in understanding the role of rage in shaping the course of Western civilization. With compelling examples from literature and recent events, Peter Sloterdijk challenges the prevailing notion that rage can be controlled or subdued. He presents a new perspective that recognizes the power of rage and proposes harnessing it for productive political change. In a world increasingly gripped by intense emotions, this book offers valuable insights for navigating the complexities of anger and conflict in the modern age.
Marx's Inferno : The Political Theory of Capital - Thryft
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William Clare Roberts | Princeton University Press

Marx's Inferno : The Political Theory of Capital

Regular price $14.41 from $10.09 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.39

Regular price $14.41 from $10.09 30% off

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Marx's Inferno could be a good read for individuals interested in political theory, socialism, and workers' movement. The book offers a unique perspective on Karl Marx's Capital and examines the motives and aims of the workers' movement. It cleverly engages the reader in socialist debates about the nature of commerce, the experience of labor, the power of bosses and managers, and the possibilities of political organization. If you want to understand how Marx revised republican ideas of freedom in response to the rise of capitalism and how they speak to ever-renewed concerns about political life in today's world, then this book is for you.
Time and Narrative: v. 3 - Thryft
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from $10.69

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In the first two volumes of this work, Paul Ricoeur examined the relations between time and narrative in historical writing, fiction, and theories of literature. This final volume, a comprehensive reexamination and synthesis of the ideas developed in volumes 1 and 2, stands as Ricoeur's most complete and satisfying presentation of his own philosophy.Ricoeur's aim here is to explicate as fully as possible the hypothesis that has governed his inquiry, namely, that the effort of thinking at work in every narrative configuration is completed in a refiguration of temporal experience. To this end, he sets himself the central task of determing how far a poetics of narrative can be said to resolve the "aporias"—the doubtful or problematic elements—of time. Chief among these aporias are the conflicts between the phenomenological sense of time (that experienced or lived by the individual) and the cosmological sense (that described by history and physics) on the one hand and the oneness or unitary nature of time on the other. In conclusion, Ricoeur reflects upon the inscrutability of time itself and attempts to discern the limits of his own examination of narrative discourse."As in his previous works, Ricoeur labors as an imcomparable mediator of often estranged philosophical approaches, always in a manner that compromises neither rigor nor creativity."—Mark Kline Taylor, Christian Century"In the midst of two opposing contemporary options—either to flee into ever more precious readings . . . or to retreat into ever more safe readings . . . —Ricoeur's work offers an alternative option that is critical, wide-ranging, and conducive to new applications."—Mary Gerhart, Journal of Religion
Constraints on the Waging of War : An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law - Thryft
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This fully revised fourth edition of Constraints on the Waging of War considers the development of the principal rules of international humanitarian law from their origins to the present day. Of particular focus are the rules governing weapons and the legal instruments through which respect for the law can be enforced. Combining theory and actual practice, this book appeals to specialists as well as to students turning to the subject for the first time.
On Mercy - Thryft
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Malcolm Bull | Princeton University Press

On Mercy

from $5.07

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Goodreads rating: 3.14

from $5.07

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80% off est. retail

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Is mercy more important than justice?Since antiquity, mercy has been regarded as a virtue. The power of monarchs was legitimated by their acts of clemency, their mercy demonstrating their divine nature. Yet by the end of the eighteenth century, mercy had become “an injustice committed against society . . . a manifest vice.” Mercy was exiled from political life. How did this happen?In this book, Malcolm Bull analyses and challenges the Enlightenment’s rejection of mercy. A society operating on principles of rational self-interest had no place for something so arbitrary and contingent, and having been excluded from Hobbes’s theory of the state and Hume’s theory of justice, mercy disappeared from the lexicon of political theory. But, Bull argues, these idealised conceptions have proved too limiting. Political realism demands recognition of the foundational role of mercy in society. If we are vulnerable to harm from others, we are in need of their mercy. By restoring the primacy of mercy over justice, we may constrain the powerful and release the agency of the powerless. And if arguments for capitalism are arguments against mercy, might the case for mercy challenge the very basis of our thinking about society and the state?An important contribution to contemporary political philosophy from an inventive thinker, On Mercy makes a persuasive case for returning this neglected virtue to the heart of political thought.
Blackstone's EU Treaties And Legislation 2010-2011 - Thryft
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Nigel Foster | Oxford University Press

Blackstone's EU Treaties And Legislation 2010-2011

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 2.33

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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A valuable resource for law students' exams.
Traditional and Analytical Philosophy : Lectures on the Philosophy of Language - Thryft
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from $6.30

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70% off est. retail

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This book would be a good read for philosophy scholars or students who are interested in understanding the importance of analytical philosophy. Tugendhat's work highlights the significance of a change in his philosophical approach and how it brought new perspectives to some of the central questions of metaphysics and the philosophy of language. Readers will appreciate the specially commissioned preface written by Hans-Johann Glock, which highlights the book's enduring importance and relevance to philosophical enquiry.
Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism - Cambridge Cultural Social Studies
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For anyone fascinated by the intersection of feminism and postcolonial studies, "Colonial Fantasies" is an enlightening dive. It challenges established perspectives on orientalism, adding layers of gender dynamics to your understanding of historical and cultural narratives. If you're looking for a read that pushes the envelope on critical thought, this would be it.
Metahistory : Historical Imagination in Nineteenth Century Europe - Thryft
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from $9.71

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Metahistory could be a good read for history enthusiasts who are interested in exploring the deeper meaning and poetic nature of historical interpretation. Through Hayden White's argument that historical texts contain a latent linguistic element, readers will be challenged to think critically about historical explanation and interpretation. This book is a unique and fascinating exploration of the hidden messages within historical texts.
Corporate Governance : Principles, Policies and Practices - Thryft
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Bob Tricker | Oxford University Press

Corporate Governance : Principles, Policies and Practices

Regular price $16.90 from $6.90 60% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.08

Regular price $16.90 from $6.90 60% off

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84% off est. retail

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This book is an excellent guide for MBA and Master's students who want to delve deeper into the world of corporate governance. It provides a comprehensive analysis of different models and theories of corporate governance along with practical case studies that enrich the reader's experience. The book is authored by Bob Tricker who coined the phrase 'corporate governance' and therefore, contains insights gained from his 30 years of experience in studying governance issues. Additionally, the online resource center provides self-assessment exercises and MP3 files of interviews with board members and experts in the field, which makes this book a great choice for anyone who wants to dive deeper into corporate governance.
American Academic Culture in Transformation : Fifty Years, Four Disciplines - Thryft
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from $16.86

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67% off est. retail

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This book offers an in-depth analysis of the evolution of American academic culture in four disciplines over the past fifty years, in political science, economics, philosophy, and literary studies. The book provides an insiders' view of the course of change in their own fields, exploring the internal dynamics of disciplinary change, and comparing the very different paths the disciplines have followed within the academy and the consequent alterations in their relations to the larger public. Recommended for academics and students looking for an insightful read on the history and evolution of academic culture.
Morality : An Introduction to Ethics - Thryft
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from $7.97

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62% off est. retail

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Recommendation: - In "Morality: An Introduction to Ethics," Bernard Williams offers a refreshing perspective on moral philosophy. Through thought-provoking analysis, he challenges traditional notions and delves into the complexities of ethics. If you are seeking an intellectual exploration beyond conventional moral frameworks, this book is a fascinating and enlightening read.
Two Cheers for Anarchism : Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play - Thryft
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from $11.12

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55% off est. retail

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Two Cheers for Anarchism could be a good read for someone looking to challenge traditional structures of hierarchy. Scott offers a unique perspective on everyday social and political interactions that inspire readers to consider constructive anarchism. The book celebrates the ingenuity and judgement of individuals exercising their creative and moral capacities. Readers will enjoy relatable anecdotes and examples that touch on a wide range of subjects, including globalization, assembly-line production, and historical explanation.
Ethics and the Rule of Law - Thryft
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David Lyons | Cambridge University Press

Ethics and the Rule of Law

Regular price $14.09 from $9.86 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.33

Regular price $14.09 from $9.86 30% off

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This book is recommended for individuals interested in understanding the inherently complex relationship between law and morality, particularly from a philosophical perspective. David Lyons provides a clear and concise guide to the fundamentals of legal philosophy, which allows for a better understanding of the more practical applications of the law. The book is accessible to those without a background in law or philosophy and can serve as a useful textbook for introductory courses.
Being Singular Plural - Thryft
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from $12.90

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51% off est. retail

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This book is a unique and challenging philosophical study of community and social existence beyond individualism. It offers a new way of thinking about community as a mutual abandonment and exposure to each other that preserves individual freedom, without resorting to spectacle or authenticity. It is recommended for readers interested in rethinking conventional notions of community and social existence, and is particularly relevant to psychoanalytic, political, and multicultural concepts.
Professional Correctness : Literary Studies and Political Change - Thryft
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Stanley Fish | Oxford University Press

Professional Correctness : Literary Studies and Political Change

Regular price $11.47 from $8.03 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.26

Regular price $11.47 from $8.03 30% off

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72% off est. retail

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"Professional Correctness" is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of literary criticism and political activism. Stanley Fish provides a thought-provoking analysis of the debate between those who believe that literature should be used to effect social change and those who think it should remain apolitical. This book is particularly relevant in today's society, where social justice and advocacy are increasingly important topics in all fields.
Deleuze and Guattari's What is Philosophy? : A Critical Introduction and Guide - Thryft
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from $6.62

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80% off est. retail

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This book could be a great fit for individuals interested in expanding their knowledge on philosophy. Bell provides readers with a critical analysis of Deleuze and Guattari's unique perspective on philosophy, highlighting their belief that philosophy is an art that involves inventing and creating concepts. This book is perfect for philosophy enthusiasts who want to explore unconventional and thought-provoking ideas.
Empire - Thryft
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Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt  | Harvard University Press


Regular price $13.95 from $9.76 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.77

Regular price $13.95 from $9.76 30% off

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69% off est. retail

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"Empire is a thought-provoking analysis of the contemporary economic, cultural, and legal transformations taking place across the globe. It examines the emerging global order that draws on elements of U.S. constitutionalism, with its tradition of hybrid identities and expanding frontiers. The book discusses how this shift in concepts forms the philosophical basis of modern politics and how it's different from the imperialism of European dominance and capitalist expansion in previous eras. It's a must-read for political philosophy enthusiasts seeking an alternative political paradigm for a truly democratic global society."
The Invention Of Religion - Faith And Covenant In The Book Of Exodus - Thryft
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from $6.34

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in unraveling the profound influence of the Book of Exodus on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Jan Assmann skillfully delves into the intricate layers of this ancient scripture, revealing how it shaped the very foundations of monotheistic faiths. With a keen focus on themes of revelation, covenant, and the relationship between God and humanity, this book illuminates the enduring significance of the Exodus narrative and its impact on religious belief and practice. Prepare to be captivated by the remarkable insights and thought-provoking revelations within these pages.
Sociology - Thryft
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James Fulcher, John P. Scott  | Oxford University Press


from $20.44

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Goodreads rating: 3.68

from $20.44

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Sociology could be a good read for students interested in exploring different forms of social inequality, cultural diversity, and the processes contributing to social change. The book offers a thorough and in-depth exploration of these topics, backed by sociological research, and the concept of sociological imagination is addressed to help students approach sociological problems critically. The book also includes case studies and multiple-choice quiz questions that make it an effective tool for students to diagnose and explain sociological concepts.
The Global Age : State and Society Beyond Modernity - Thryft
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Martin Albrow | Stanford University Press

The Global Age : State and Society Beyond Modernity

Regular price $9.16 from $6.41 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.0

Regular price $9.16 from $6.41 30% off

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71% off est. retail

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The Global Age is a highly recommended book for sociologists and anyone interested in understanding our world today. It argues that we've moved from the modern era to the global era, where human beings think on a global scale, and values take the globe as their reference point. The author discusses the environmental consequences of human activities, a new popular construction of the state called "performative citizenship," and the rise of a global economy, making it an insightful and thought-provoking read.
Responsibility for Justice - Thryft
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from $12.31

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Responsibility for Justice could be a good read for those interested in political philosophy and global justice. The book presents a unique perspective on addressing structural injustices that individuals may be implicated in, but not to blame. Young's "social connection" model provides a new framework for understanding political responsibility and our responsibilities to others, making it a thoughtful and insightful read for those interested in ethics and social justice.
Nietzsche and Asian Thought - Thryft
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Graham Parkes | University Of Chicago Press

Nietzsche and Asian Thought

from $13.72

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Goodreads rating: 3.6

from $13.72

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This book is recommended for readers who are interested in exploring philosophical perspectives on Nietzsche's work from cultures beyond the Anglo-American traditions. The essays by internationally renowned scholars provide valuable insights into the impact and influence of Nietzsche's ideas on Asian philosophies in India, China, and Japan. The unique feature of this book is that it highlights cross-cultural connections and cultivates new perspectives, making it a must-read for anyone interested in a diverse and global approach to philosophy.
Life and Action : Elementary Structures of Practice and Practical Thought - Thryft
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"Life and Action" could be a good read for those interested in a deep dive into practical philosophy. Michael Thompson aims to reconfigure a whole sector of philosophy by relocating crucial concepts, such as "life", back into the metaphysics of life. His work's distinctive features include a purist's approach to three interrelated concepts of life, action, and practice and the revival of philosophy by focusing on larger issues.
A History of the Modern Fact : Problems of Knowledge in the Sciences of Wealth and Society - Thryft
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How did the fact become modernity's most favored unit of knowledge? How did description come to seem separable from theory in the precursors of economics and the social sciences?Mary Poovey explores these questions in A History of the Modern Fact , ranging across an astonishing array of texts and ideas from the publication of the first British manual on double-entry bookkeeping in 1588 to the institutionalization of statistics in the 1830s. She shows how the production of systematic knowledge from descriptions of observed particulars influenced government, how numerical representation became the privileged vehicle for generating useful facts, and how belief—whether figured as credit, credibility, or credulity—remained essential to the production of knowledge.Illuminating the epistemological conditions that have made modern social and economic knowledge possible, A History of the Modern Fact provides important contributions to the history of political thought, economics, science, and philosophy, as well as to literary and cultural criticism.
Bourdieu : Critical Perspectives - Thryft
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Long a dominant figure in the French human sciences, Pierre Bourdieu has become internationally influential in the fields of sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies. A major figure in the development of "practice" as an organizing concept in social research, Bourdieu has emerged as the foremost advocate of reflexive social science; his work combines an astonishing range of empirical work with highly sophisticated theory.American reception of his works, however, has lacked a full understanding of their place within the broad context of French human science. His individual works separated by distinct boundaries between social science fields in American academia, Bourdieu's cohesive thought has come to this country in fragments.Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives provides a unified and balanced appraisal of Bourdieu's varied works by both proponents and skeptics. The essays are written from the varied viewpoints of cultural anthropology, ethnomethodology and other varieties of sociology, existential and Wittgensteinian philosophies, linguistics, media studies, and feminism. They work around three main themes: Bourdieu's effort to transcend gaps between practical knowledge and universal structures, his central concept of "reflexivity," and the relations between social structure, systems of classification, and language.Ultimately, the contributors raise a variety of crucial theoretical questions and address problems that are important not only to understanding Bourdieu but to advancing empirical work of the kind he has pioneered. In an essay written especially for this volume, Bourdieu describes his own "mode of intellectual production" and the reasons he sees for its common misunderstanding.The contributors are Hubert Dreyfus, Paul Rabinow, Charles Taylor, Aaron Cicourel, James Collins, William Hanks, Beate Krais, Nicholas Garnham, Scott Lash, Roger Brubaker, and Loic Wacquant, and the editors.