Books From University Presses

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First Responders: Inside the U.S. Strategy for Fighting the 2007-2009 Global Financial Crisis

Regular price $16.90 from $12.90 25% off

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64% off est. retail

In stock: Like New

If you're fascinated by economic strategy and crisis management, "First Responders" offers a front-row view to one of the most harrowing financial periods in recent history. Witness the decision-making process of those at the helm during the 2007-2009 crisis, with in-depth analyses by the very people who steered the economy from the edge of ruin. It's an unmissable deep dive for anyone passionate about understanding how financial systems are saved.
The Greening of Asia: The Business Case for Solving Asia's Environmental Emergency

Regular price $15.90 from $10.90 34% off

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67% off est. retail

In stock: Very Good

If you're keen on understanding how economic growth and environmental sustainability can coexist, "The Greening of Asia" provides a fascinating glimpse into real-world solutions. Clifford's extensive knowledge offers an insightful read for anyone interested in environmental economics, clean technology, and how Asian companies are leading the way. It could be especially enlightening if you're passionate about business strategies that contribute positively to our planet.
Creating a Learning Society: A New Approach to Growth, Development, and Social Progress

Regular price $17.90 from $14.90 20% off

Unit price

62% off est. retail

In stock: Like New

If you're intrigued by the intricacies of economic growth and societal development, "Creating a Learning Society" could be a thought-provoking read for you. Stiglitz and Greenwald delve deep into the role of knowledge in shaping economies, offering a critical analysis of government policies and their impact on progressing—as opposed to hindering—societal learning and productivity. This book challenges conventional economic wisdom and could profoundly alter your understanding of what contributes to a nation’s prosperity, making it a compelling choice for students, policy-makers, and anyone interested in the future of economic development.
Essential Economics for Cambridge IGCSERG Student Book - Thryft

Regular price $13.90 from $4.90 67% off

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89% off est. retail

In stock: Very Good

If you're grappling with the intricacies of economics at the IGCSE level, this book may just be your lifeline. It's crafted with the intent to make complex economic concepts digestible for students whose first language isn't English. The online exam prep resources are a bonus, giving you that extra edge for exam readiness.
Mayors and Money					Fiscal Policy in New York and Chicago
							- American Politics and Political Economy Series - Thryft

Regular price $20.90 from $8.90 62% off

Unit price

85% off est. retail

In stock: Well Read

If you're captivated by the intricacies of urban fiscal policy and how it shapes cities, "Mayors and Money" offers a compelling comparative study. It's a deep dive into the economic trajectories of New York and Chicago, shedding light on the political decisions that led them down divergent paths. Vital for anyone interested in urban studies or political economy.
The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration - Princeton Studies in Complexity

Regular price $16.90 from $11.90 30% off

Unit price

81% off est. retail

In stock: Well Read

If you're interested in understanding how intricate social behaviors and cooperation emerge, "The Complexity of Cooperation" might just deepen your appreciation for the nuances involved. Axelrod's accessible writing makes sophisticated concepts like game theory and agent-based modeling understandable. It's like putting on a new pair of glasses that clarify why individuals and societies interact the way they do, guided by invisible rules and patterns you'll soon begin to notice everywhere.
Fiscal Decentralization in Developing Countries

from $52.90

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70% off est. retail

In stock: Very Good

If you're invested in understanding how economic decisions affect local governance in developing nations, this book dives into the nitty-gritty of fiscal decentralization. It will broaden your perspective on the interaction between economics and political science, offering informed discussions and case studies that shed light on a crucial aspect of development policy. It's like a roadmap to grasp the complexities of local economies.
Population and Technological Change: A Study of Long-Term Trends
Ester Boserup | The University Of Chicago Press

Population and Technological Change: A Study of Long-Term Trends

Regular price $10.90 from $7.90 28% off

Unit price

Goodreads rating: 4.2

Regular price $10.90 from $7.90 28% off

Unit price

61% off est. retail

In stock: Well Read

If understanding how technology has shaped our demographic landscape intrigues you, Ester Boserup's exploration is a must-read. It's a deep dive into the complex dance between population growth and technological innovation, explaining how each influences the other over the long haul. This book is particularly enlightening for those curious about the historical interplay between societal development and technological advancement.
Business Economics
Roger Perman, John Scouller  | Oxford University Press

Business Economics

Regular price $27.90 from $19.90 29% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.45

Regular price $27.90 from $19.90 29% off

Unit price

54% off est. retail

In stock: Very Good

If you're delving into the world of business economics, this book could be a great companion. It's tailored for both MBA students and undergrads, making complex concepts digestible without diluting the content. Plus, with its clear application to real-world business studies, you'll find it bridges the gap between academic theory and practical business decision-making.
China and Historical Capitalism: Genealogies of Sinological Knowledge - Thryft

Regular price $46.90 from $26.90 43% off

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79% off est. retail

In stock: Very Good

If you've ever wondered how views of economic history can be colored by the lens through which they're examined, "China and Historical Capitalism" might intrigue you. This book digs into how Western interpretations of capitalism have overshadowed other global narratives. It's a thoughtful read for anyone interested in understanding the complex intersection between cultural perception and historical economic systems, and particularly relevant if you're interested in the dynamics of East-West relations in the context of capitalist discourse.
Hubbert's Peak - The Impending World Oil Shortage - Thryft
Kenneth S. Deffeyes | Princeton University Press

Hubbert's Peak - The Impending World Oil Shortage

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 59% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.76

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 59% off

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87% off est. retail

In stock: Very Good

This book is a must-read for those interested in the future of energy and its impact on society. Deffeyes' interpretation of Hubbert's theory is clear and alarming, providing a compelling case for the need to move away from fossil fuels. The book's most unique feature is its ability to lay out the technical details in a clear and accessible manner.
The Logic of Collective Action : Public Goods and the Theory of Groups, Second Printing with a New Preface and Appendix - Thryft
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from $8.59

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72% off est. retail

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This book develops an original theory of group and organizational behavior that cuts across disciplinary lines and illustrates the theory with empirical and historical studies of particular organizations. Applying economic analysis to the subjects of the political scientist, sociologist, and economist, Mancur Olson examines the extent to which the individuals that share a common interest find it in their individual interest to bear the costs of the organizational effort.The theory shows that most organizations produce what the economist calls “public goods”―goods or services that are available to every member, whether or not he has borne any of the costs of providing them. Economists have long understood that defense, law, and order were public goods that could not be marketed to individuals, and that taxation was necessary. They have not, however, taken account of the fact that private as well as governmental organizations produce public goods.The services the labor union provides for the worker it represents, or the benefits a lobby obtains for the group it represents, are public they automatically go to every individual in the group, whether or not he helped bear the costs. It follows that, just as governments require compulsory taxation, many large private organizations require special (and sometimes coercive) devices to obtain the resources they need. This is not true of smaller organizations for, as this book shows, small and large organizations support themselves in entirely different ways. The theory indicates that, though small groups can act to further their interest much more easily than large ones, they will tend to devote too few resources to the satisfaction of their common interests, and that there is a surprising tendency for the “lesser” members of the small group to exploit the “greater” members by making them bear a disproportionate share of the burden of any group action.All of the theory in the book is in Chapter 1; the remaining chapters contain empirical and historical evidence of the theory’s relevance to labor unions, pressure groups, corporations, and Marxian class action.
The Only Game in Town: Central Banks, Instability, and Avoiding the Next Collapse
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from $11.90

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65% off est. retail

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As someone interested in the global economic landscape, you'll find "The Only Game in Town" to be a crucial read. Mohamed El-Erian offers an expert breakdown of our financial system's challenges and the pivotal role central banks play. His insights could help you grasp why we can't rely solely on these institutions for economic stability, and what coordinated actions could lead us back to prosperity. It's a blend of sophisticated analysis and practical wisdom on navigating the future's economic uncertainties.
GDP : A Brief but Affectionate History - Revised and expanded Edition - Thryft
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from $7.46

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 横扫各类财经图书殊荣。《华尔街日报》年度十大好书/《金融时报》及麦肯锡年度商业类佳作/世界商业图书Axiom Business大奖/《Choice》年度商业杰作…… 全球政商界精英连袖推荐。经济合合与发展组织秘书长安赫尔·古里亚,前英国央行行长默文·金,前美国白宫经济政策主任托德·布赫霍尔茨,美国经济学泰斗泰勒·柯文,高收益债券教头马丁·弗里德森,发展经济学先驱赛尔奎因,日本经济研究中心特别顾问、前任会长小岛明,《卧底经济学》作者蒂姆·哈福德,英国经济学家约翰·凯,投资分析专家约翰·莫尔丁等。强烈推荐 英国经济学巨擘、BBC副主席黛安娜·科伊尔力透纸背之作 一天读完300年发展史,让你透彻洞悉GDP如何深度影响每个人的生活随着中国经济体积的日益庞大,GDP的增长速度日益进入“L”型轨道。历史上有哪些国家曾经历过这种类似的局面,其政府...(展开全部)
GDP : A Brief but Affectionate History - Revised and expanded Edition - Thryft
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from $7.96

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This book is a fascinating and informative read for anyone interested in understanding how the global economy works. Diane Coyle expertly explains the history and evolution of GDP, the standard measure of a country's economy, and its impact on political decisions and financial markets. The book also challenges the appropriateness of GDP as a measure for the modern economy driven by innovation, services, and intangible goods. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to decode the news and politics behind GDP.
Making Sense of Marx - Thryft
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Jon Elster | Cambridge University Press

Making Sense of Marx

from $5.14

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Goodreads rating: 3.49

from $5.14

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A systematic, critical examination of Karl Marx's social theories and their philosophical presuppositions. Through extensive discussions of the texts Jon Elster offers a balanced and detailed account of Marx's views that is at once sympathetic, undogmatic and rigorous. Equally importantly he tries to assess 'what is living and what is dead in the philosophy of Marx', using the analytical resources of contemporary social science and philosophy. Professor Elster insists on the need for microfoundations in social science and provides a systematic criticism of functionalism and teleological thinking in Marx. He argues that Marx's economic theories are largely wrong or irrelevant; historical materialism is seen to have only limited plausibility (and is not even consistently applied by Marx); Marx's most lasting achievements are the criticism of capitalism in terms of alienation and exploitation and the theory of class struggle, politics and ideology under capitalism, though in these areas too Elster enters substantial qualifications. The book should take its place as the most comprehensive and sophisticated modern study available.
The Undercover Economist - Thryft
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Tim Harford | Oxford University Press

The Undercover Economist

from $13.90

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Goodreads rating: 3.81

from $13.90

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Imagine understanding the hidden economic patterns that shape your daily experiences, from your coffee purchase to international trade. Tim Harford's 'The Undercover Economist' is a back-door pass into the world of economics, stripping away jargon and revealing how fundamental economic principles affect you. It's engaging and surprisingly entertaining – like having a savvy friend explain the secrets behind price tags and market phenomena. Whether you're looking to impress at a dinner party or simply curious about the world around you, this is your go-to resource.
Seeing Like a State : How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed - Thryft
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from $8.31

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This book provides a fascinating analysis of how state-led planning can lead to disastrous consequences. It highlights the importance of local knowledge and bottom-up approaches to problem-solving, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the limitations of top-down planning. With a clear and accessible writing style, Seeing Like a State offers an insightful critique of government-led initiatives and their impact on society and the environment.
Red Flags : Why Xi's China Is in Jeopardy - Thryft
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from $11.59

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This book could be a good read for someone interested in understanding the complexities of China's economic growth and the potential risks it faces. George Magnus provides an in-depth analysis of the key challenges including debt, middle income, the Renminbi, and an aging population, and examines how these factors could hinder China's continued rise. Not only does he explore economic issues, but Magnus also delves into the political direction of President Xi Jinping and its compatibility with China's economic aspirations. With thorough research and a critical perspective, this book offers valuable insights into the potential conflicts over trade, China's relationship with Trump, and its Belt and Road initiative in Eurasia.
GDP : A Brief but Affectionate History - Thryft
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from $8.29

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Why did the size of the U.S. economy increase by 3 percent on one day in mid-2013--or Ghana's balloon by 60 percent overnight in 2010? Why did the U.K. financial industry show its fastest expansion ever at the end of 2008--just as the world's financial system went into meltdown? And why was Greece's chief statistician charged with treason in 2013 for apparently doing nothing more than trying to accurately report the size of his country's economy? The answers to all these questions lie in the way we define and measure national economies around the world: Gross Domestic Product. This entertaining and informative book tells the story of GDP, making sense of a statistic that appears constantly in the news, business, and politics, and that seems to rule our lives--but that hardly anyone actually understands.Diane Coyle traces the history of this artificial, abstract, complex, but exceedingly important statistic from its eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors through its invention in the 1940s and its postwar golden age, and then through the Great Crash up to today. The reader learns why this standard measure of the size of a country's economy was invented, how it has changed over the decades, and what its strengths and weaknesses are. The book explains why even small changes in GDP can decide elections, influence major political decisions, and determine whether countries can keep borrowing or be thrown into recession. The book ends by making the case that GDP was a good measure for the twentieth century but is increasingly inappropriate for a twenty-first-century economy driven by innovation, services, and intangible goods.
Economics for the Common Good - Thryft
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from $6.53

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the role of economics in improving our world. Tirole's clear and accessible writing style helps readers understand complex economic concepts and their application in the real world. The book's most distinctive feature is Tirole's emphasis on the need for economists to prioritize the common good rather than individual gain. This message is especially urgent in the midst of global issues such as climate change and economic inequality.
Seeing like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed - Thryft
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from $13.72

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Compulsory ujamaa villages in Tanzania, collectivization in Russia, Le Corbusier’s urban planning theory realized in Brasilia, the Great Leap Forward in China, agricultural "modernization" in the Tropics—the twentieth century has been racked by grand utopian schemes that have inadvertently brought death and disruption to millions. Why do well-intentioned plans for improving the human condition go tragically awry?In this wide-ranging and original book, James C. Scott analyzes failed cases of large-scale authoritarian plans in a variety of fields. Centrally managed social plans misfire, Scott argues, when they impose schematic visions that do violence to complex interdependencies that are not—and cannot—be fully understood. Further, the success of designs for social organization depends upon the recognition that local, practical knowledge is as important as formal, epistemic knowledge. The author builds a persuasive case against "development theory" and imperialistic state planning that disregards the values, desires, and objections of its subjects. He identifies and discusses four conditions common to all planning disasters: administrative ordering of nature and society by the state; a "high-modernist ideology" that places confidence in the ability of science to improve every aspect of human life; a willingness to use authoritarian state power to effect large- scale interventions; and a prostrate civil society that cannot effectively resist such plans.
From the Soil : The Foundations of Chinese Society - Thryft
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from $16.12

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37% off est. retail

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"From the Soil" offers a rare Chinese perspective on the distinguishing traits of Western and Chinese societies through Fei's in-depth analytical approach. This book is perfect for those interested in sociology and history, and seeks a fresh perspective on how society is shaped and organized differently across cultures.
International Relations And The European Union - Thryft
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Christopher J. Hill, Michael Smith  | Oxford University Press

International Relations And The European Union

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.55

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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93% off est. retail

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This book is an insightful guide to the European Union's role in global affairs, focusing on its power, processes, and place in the international community. The authors skillfully examine the EU's impact on the global stage, making it an essential read for students and practitioners of international relations.
Unbalanced : The Co-dependency of America and China - Thryft
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from $1.74

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The Chinese and U.S. economies have been locked in an uncomfortable embrace since the late 1970s. Although the relationship initially arose out of mutual benefits, in recent years it has taken on the trappings of an unstable codependence, with the two largest economies in the world losing their sense of self, increasing the risk of their turning on one another in a destructive fashion.   In The Codependency of America and China Stephen Roach, senior fellow at Yale University and former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, lays bare the pitfalls of the current China-U.S. economic relationship. He highlights the conflicts at the center of current tensions, including disputes over trade policies and intellectual property rights, sharp contrasts in leadership styles, the role of the Internet, the recent dispute over cyberhacking, and more. A firsthand witness to the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s, Roach likely knows more about the U.S.-China economic relationship than any other Westerner. Here he    In the wake of the 2008 crisis, both unbalanced economies face urgent and mutually beneficial rebalancings. Unbalanced concludes with a recipe for resolving the escalating tensions of codependence. Roach argues that the Next China offers much for the Next America—and vice versa.
Inequality : What Can Be Done? - Thryft
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Anthony B. Atkinson | Harvard University Press

Inequality : What Can Be Done?

from $15.19

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Goodreads rating: 3.83

from $15.19

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This book is a masterpiece on combating inequality crisis through concrete, persuasive, and innovative proposals. Atkinson's premise distinguishes that inequality is not inevitable and offers pragmatic steps towards achieving egalitarian society. We highly recommend it to readers who want practical insights, innovative solutions, and hope for social change.
Few historical issues have occasioned such discussion since at least the time of Marx as the transition from feudalism to capitalism in Western Europe. The Brenner Debate, which reprints from Past and Present various article in 1976, is a scholarly presentation of a variety of points of view, covering a very wide range in time, place and type of approach. Weighty theoretical responses to Brenner's first formulation followed from the late Sir Michael Postan, John Hatcher, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie and Guy Bois; more particular contributions came from Patricia Croot, David Parker, Arnost Klìma and Heide Wunder on England, France, Bohemia and Germany; and reflective pieces from R. H. Hilton and the late J. P. Cooper. Completing the volume, and giving it an overall coherence, are Brenner's own comprehensive response to those who had taken part in the debate, and also R. H. Hilton's introduction that aims to bring together the major themes in the collection of essays. The debate has already aroused widespread interest among historians and scholars in allied fields as well as among ordinary readers, and may reasonably be regarded as one of the most important historical debates of prevailing years.
Why Globalization Works
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Martin Wolf | Yale University Press

Why Globalization Works

from $8.90

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Goodreads rating: 3.52

from $8.90

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59% off est. retail

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Recommendation: - This highly acclaimed book by Martin Wolf offers a powerful and balanced case for the global market economy. It unravels the complex concept of globalization, debunking common misconceptions and addressing the critiques against it. Wolf's deep understanding of the global economy, coupled with his persuasive defense of international economic integration, makes this book essential reading for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world. Whether you are a student, a policymaker, or simply curious about the forces shaping our globalized society, "Why Globalization Works" will enlighten and challenge your perspectives, ultimately paving the way for a more inclusive and prosperous global market economy. Note: Since it is a non-fiction book that appeals to a specific topic and audience, the recommendation focuses on the insights and value the book offers, rather than character development or compelling storytelling.
Telecommunications Development in Asia - Thryft
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John Ure | Hong Kong University Press

Telecommunications Development in Asia

Regular price $21.90 from $16.90 23% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.5

Regular price $21.90 from $16.90 23% off

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Out of stock

If you're fascinated by how technology can transform societies, especially in a diverse and dynamic continent like Asia, "Telecommunications Development in Asia" could be your next insightful read. It takes a deep dive into the strategies that have spurred rapid growth in the region's telecom sector, fitting for anyone interested in policy, economics, or tech development. Plus, it's a follow-up to a work that's already proven its worth, making this sequel a promising addition to your collection.
After Hegemony - Cooperation And Discord In The World Political Economy - Thryft
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from $3.88

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Recommendation: After Hegemony is a perfect read for those interested in understanding the dynamics of international economics and politics. The book provides a detailed analysis of the theories of rational cooperation and how institutions play a crucial role in the global economy. Keohane's insights on cooperation and discord in the world political economy provide a compelling and highly informative read.
The Firm, the Market, and the Law - Thryft
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from $20.02

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36% off est. retail

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"The Firm, the Market, and the Law" is a must-read for those who seek practical understanding of economic theory by taking a philosophical approach. Coase's attention to actual institutions provides a deep insight into economics, making it a model-worthy of emulation. The book's clear exposition and elegant style make for a pleasurable read.
Mortgage Valuation Models : Embedded Options, Risk, and Uncertainty - Thryft
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from $3.88

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97% off est. retail

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Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are among the most complex of all financial instruments. Analysis of MBS requires blending empirical analysis of borrower behavior with the mathematical modeling of interest rates and home prices. Over the past 25 years, Andrew Davidson and Alexander Levin have been at the leading edge of MBS valuation and risk analysis.Mortgage Valuation Embedded Options, Risk, and Uncertainty contains a detailed description of the sophisticated theories and advanced methods that the authors employ in real-world analyses of mortgage-backed securities. Issues such as complexity, borrower options, uncertainty, and model risk play a central role in the authors' approach to the valuation of MBS. The coverage spans the range of mortgage products from loans and TBA (to-be-announced) pass-through securities to subordinate tranches of subprime-mortgage securitizations. With reference to the classical CAPM and APT, the book advocates extending the concept of risk-neutrality to modeling home prices and borrower options, well beyond interest rates. It describes valuation methods for both agency and non-agency MBS including pricing new loans; approaches to prudent risk measurement, ranking, and decomposition; and methods for modeling prepayments and defaults of borrowers.The authors also reveal quantitative causes of the 2007-09 financial crisis and provide insight into the future of the U.S. housing finance system and mortgage modeling as this field continues to evolve. This book will serve as a foundation for the future development of models for mortgage-backed securities.
The Next Great Globalization : How Disadvantaged Nations Can Harness Their Financial Systems to Get Rich - Thryft
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Regular price $9.88 from $6.92 30% off

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71% off est. retail

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the role of financial globalization in developing nations. Mishkin presents a hopeful vision of the potential benefits of financial globalization, while also providing a clear-eyed assessment of the potential risks and challenges. Through historical examples, he demonstrates how effective management of financial globalization can create opportunities for growth and prosperity, and suggests concrete policies for achieving these goals. Overall, this book offers a nuanced and persuasive argument for the importance of financial globalization in today's global economy.
Traders - Risks, Decisions, And Management In Financial Markets - Thryft
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from $3.88

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97% off est. retail

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Recommendation: This book is great for anyone interested in the inner workings of the financial world. It gives an inside look at trader behavior, management, and the cultures and theories behind the institutions they inhabit. The book is well-written and informative, making it a must-read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of financial markets.
Who Cleans The Park? - Public Work And Urban Governance In New York City - Thryft
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from $3.88

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"Who Cleans the Park?" is a must-read for those who are interested in understanding the invisible work that goes into maintaining public spaces. The authors offer unique insights into the changing nature of public work, from welfare reforms to public-private partnerships. With a focus on New York City, the book examines different groups of people who maintain parks, such as unionized city workers and non-profit park conservancies. It raises important questions about public work and who it ultimately benefits.
Economics Study Guide: Oxford IB Diploma Programme - Thryft
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from $10.90

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This Economics Study Guide is a comprehensive and concise resource that covers all the topics necessary for success in the IB Economics Diploma Programme. With a particular focus on graph analysis and a new section on quantitative material, this guide provides students with the tools they need to excel in the new mathematical elements of the course. The straightforward language, summary tables, and extensive glossary make it an ideal study companion for both Higher and Standard level students. Engage with the theory and master the concepts with this invaluable study guide.
If you're scratching your head at economic headlines and wondering how emotions play into the financial world, "Animal Spirits" might just demystify that for you. It's a book that leans on human psychology to explain economic trends and crises, offering a perspective that'll make you rethink the importance of confidence and sentiment in the economy. Not just for financial buffs, it could give you a new lens to view the world's economic health and your own financial decisions.
The Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Singapore, 1941-45: A Social and Economic History
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This book transports you back to a tumultuous period, unraveling the social and economic impacts of the Japanese occupation on Malaya and Singapore. It provides a rich, detailed narrative that could change your perspective on war, resilience, and the shaping of a region's destiny. If history is your passion and you crave understanding beyond the surface of textbooks, this exploration will reward your curiosity.
Development as Freedom - Thryft
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sen | Oxford University Press, Usa

Development as Freedom

from $6.72

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Goodreads rating: 4.1

from $6.72

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63% off est. retail

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"Development as Freedom" by Amartya Sen is a profound book that explains the unique relationship between freedom and development. It is a great read for anyone interested in the societal and economic arrangements of our world and its effects on individual freedoms. The book beautifully links values, institutions, development, and freedom, making it an exceptional analytical framework. The main theme of the book is how development is a tool to spread freedom and its positivity to unfree citizens, and how freedom, in turn, enhances individual welfare and general welfare. Overall, this book should be read by anyone interested in the principles of freedom and social well-being.
Economics for the IB Diploma with CD-ROM - Thryft
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from $19.83

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A comprehensive new edition of Economics for the IB Diploma. This lively textbook, available in both print and e-book formats, offers comprehensive coverage of the Economics syllabus for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma at both Standard and Higher Levels. This new edition is written by a highly experienced author and former IB Economics Chief Examiner and has been extensively revised to meet the requirements of the new syllabus (effective 2011). The print book includes a CD-ROM of supplementary materials including a chapter on quantitative techniques and extensive exam practice. These supplementary materials are also included in the e-book version for an all-in-one solution.
The Power of News: The History of Reuters, 1849-1989 - Thryft
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from $15.90

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If you're fascinated by the evolution of global communications and the pivotal role of news agencies in shaping our perception of events, "The Power of News: The History of Reuters, 1849-1989" is a compelling read. It's not just a history book; it's a mirror reflecting the revolution in information dissemination from the 19th century to the modern age, focusing on an organization that has witnessed—and reported—some of the world's most significant events. Donald Read's exploration gives a vivid look at how Reuters grew from a single telegraph office to a news empire, all while grappling with the challenges of maintaining speed and accuracy—a combination that remains essential in today's fast-paced information era.
Vietnam : Rising Dragon - Thryft
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Bill Hayton | Yale University Press

Vietnam : Rising Dragon

Regular price $8.90 from $4.90 51% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.86

Regular price $8.90 from $4.90 51% off

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79% off est. retail

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This book is a colorful tapestry of Vietnam's transformation from an insider's perspective. Bill Hayton's experience as a journalist brings to life the hustle of booming cities, the tension of an evolving society straddling capitalism and communism, and the complex political landscape. It's an enlightening read for anyone fascinated by socioeconomic change and the nuanced journey of a country rapidly joining the global stage. Whether you're a political aficionado or a cultural voyeur, "Vietnam: Rising Dragon" offers a profound look at the nation's ambitions and the challenges it faces.
Economics - An Analytical Introduction - Thryft
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Amos Witztum | Oxford University Press

Economics - An Analytical Introduction

Regular price $5.24 from $2.25 57% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.63

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Witztum's text is a robust and challenging introduction to the key principles of economics. It delivers a comprehensive and focused view of the logical core of economic analysis. Presented in a clear and accessible form, the content is nonetheless sufficiently developed to take students beyond mere fundamentals, teaching them to apply economic theories and models to recognisable, real life examples. The book is therefore able to prepare students for further study of economics rather than to simply acquaint them with basic concepts.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership - A Quest For A Twenty-First Century Trade Agreement - Thryft
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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding how the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could impact global trade. The authors, who have extensive experience in international trade negotiations, provide a nuanced analysis of the TPP's potential benefits and drawbacks. They explain how the agreement could help smaller companies participate in global supply chains, but also highlight concerns about its impact on labor standards and environmental protection. Overall, the book is well-researched and offers valuable insights into the complex world of international trade negotiations.
Righteous Dopefiend - Thryft
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This powerful work of gonzo journalism, predating the widespread acknowledgement of the opioid epidemic as such, immerses the reader in the world of homelessness and drug and alcohol abuse in the contemporary United States. For over a decade Philippe Bourgois and Jeff Schonberg followed a social network of two dozen heroin injectors and crack smokers in the San Francisco drug scene, accompanying them as they scrambled to generate income through burglary, larceny, panhandling, recycling, and day labor. Righteous Dopefiend interweaves stunning black-and-white photography with vivid dialogue, oral biography, detailed field notes, and critical theoretical analysis to viscerally illustrate the life of a drug addict. Its gripping narrative develops a cast of characters around the themes of violence, racism and race relations, sexuality, trauma, embodied suffering, social inequality, and power relations. The result is a dispassionate chronicle of fixes and overdoses; of survival, loss, caring, and hope rooted in the drug abusers’ determination to hang on for one more day, through a "moral economy of sharing" that precariously balances mutual solidarity and interpersonal betrayal.
Oxford University Press Choice Welfare And Measurement - Thryft
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If you're intrigued by the deeper philosophical questions underpinning economics and development, this collection inspired by Amartya Sen is a treasury of thought-provoking essays. Not only does it reflect on economic theory and welfare systems, but it also delves into ethics, making it compelling for anyone in academia or with a profound interest in development and welfare economics. The ensemble of respected contributors further enriches the discourse, offering multiple perspectives on each theme.
An Introduction to Game Theory - Thryft
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Martin J. Osborne | Oxford University Press

An Introduction to Game Theory

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Goodreads rating: 3.79

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This book is perfect for those who want to delve into the world of game theory without getting overwhelmed by complex mathematical formulas. It presents the key concepts and ideas in a clear and concise manner, making it accessible for advanced undergraduates and anyone interested in strategic decision-making. The emphasis on understanding the theory behind the math sets it apart from other textbooks, allowing readers to grasp the fundamental principles and apply them to various real-world scenarios.
Practical Reason : On the Theory of Action - Thryft
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Do social classes really exist? Is disinterested action really possible? What do the family, the church, and the intellectual world have in common? Can morality be founded on hypocrisy? What is the "subject" of action? In this new volume, one of France's foremost social thinkers of our time responds to these major questions and to others, thus tracing the outlines of a work that could be called "Pierre Bourdieu by himself." In these texts, the author tries to go to the essential, that is, the most elementary and fundamental, questions. He thereby explains the philosophical principles that have led to his social science research and the idea of the human that guides his choices there. With the lucidity allowed by retrospect, Bourdieu brings out the fundamental theories of his greatest books, notably Outline of a Theory of Practice and The Logic of Practice (Stanford, 1990), and, with an eye to the future, presents the first results of his most recent work on the state, the anthropological moorings of the economy, and male domination. Bourdieu's theory is both a philosophy of science dedicated to revealing the objective relations that shape and underpin social life, and a philosophy of action that takes account of agents' dispositions as well as the structured situations in which they act. This philosophy of action is condensed in a small number of key concepts―habitus, field, capital―and it is defined by the two-way relationship between the objective structures of social fields and the incorporated structures of the habitus. All in all, this book should be an indispensable introduction to Bourdieu's work, not only to students and scholars in sociology, anthropology, political science, and philosophy, but throughout the social sciences and humanities generally.
The ABCs Of RBCs - An Introduction To Dynamic Macroeconomic Models - Thryft
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George McCandless | Harvard University Press

The ABCs Of RBCs - An Introduction To Dynamic Macroeconomic Models

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 43% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.82

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 43% off

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the mechanics of macroeconomic models. McCandless breaks down complex concepts into easily understandable terms, providing step-by-step instructions on how to build and solve real business cycle models. With the inclusion of Matlab code, readers can quickly implement and experiment with their own models. Whether you're an economist or a student, this book equips you with the tools to navigate the world of macroeconomics and gain a deeper understanding of the factors driving economic fluctuations.
Economic Gangsters : Corruption, Violence, and the Poverty of Nations - Thryft
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from $6.02

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Getting inside the heads of the developing world’s dictators, warlords, and corrupt politiciansMeet the economic gangster. He's the United Nations diplomat who double-parks his Mercedes on New York City streets at rush hour because the cops can't touch him―he has diplomatic immunity. He's the Chinese smuggler who dodges tariffs by magically transforming frozen chickens into frozen turkeys. The dictator, the warlord, the unscrupulous bureaucrat who bilks the developing world of billions in aid. The calculating crook who views stealing and murder as just another part of his business strategy. And, in the wrong set of circumstances, he might just be you.In Economic Gangsters , Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel take readers into the secretive, chaotic, and brutal worlds inhabited by these lawless and violent thugs. Join these two sleuthing economists as they follow the foreign aid money trail into the grasping hands of corrupt governments and shady underworld characters. Spend time with ingenious black marketeers as they game the international system. Follow the steep rise and fall of stock prices of companies with unseemly connections to Indonesia's former dictator. See for yourself what rainfall has to do with witch killings in Tanzania―and more.Fisman and Miguel use economics to get inside the heads of these "gangsters," and propose solutions that can make a difference to the world's poor―including cash infusions to defuse violence in times of drought, and steering the World Bank away from aid programs most susceptible to corruption.In a new postscript, the authors look at how economists might use new tools to better understand, and fight back against, corruption and violence in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. Take an entertaining walk on the dark side of global economic development with Economic Gangsters .