Books From University Presses

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Practical Ethics - Thryft
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Peter Singer | Cambridge University Press

Practical Ethics

from $8.90

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Goodreads rating: 4.08

from $8.90

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If you've ever found yourself at a crossroads, feeling uncertain how to tackle the tough moral questions life throws your way, "Practical Ethics" might be the compass you need. It's not just about lofty theories; it's about applying thoughtful, considered action to real-world scenarios. Trust me, it has a way of provoking reflection that sticks with you, prompting you to think deeply about the choices you make every day.
Rise of the West : A History of the Human Community - Thryft
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from $6.47

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The Rise of the West, winner of the National Book Award for history in 1964, is famous for its ambitious scope and intellectual rigor. In it, McNeill challenges the Spengler-Toynbee view that a number of separate civilizations pursued essentially independent careers, and argues instead that human cultures interacted at every stage of their history. The author suggests that from the Neolithic beginnings of grain agriculture to the present major social changes in all parts of the world were triggered by new or newly important foreign stimuli, and he presents a persuasive narrative of world history to support this claim. In a retrospective essay titled "The Rise of the West after Twenty-five Years," McNeill shows how his book was shaped by the time and place in which it was written (1954-63). He discusses how historiography subsequently developed and suggests how his portrait of the world's past in The Rise of the West should be revised to reflect these changes. "This is not only the most learned and the most intelligent, it is also the most stimulating and fascinating book that has ever set out to recount and explain the whole history of mankind. . . . To read it is a great experience. It leaves echoes to reverberate, and seeds to germinate in the mind."—H. R. Trevor-Roper, New York Times Book Review
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R.F. Stalley, Aristotle, Ernest Barker  | Oxford University Press


from $8.90

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Goodreads rating: 3.98

from $8.90

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If you're keen on delving into the origins of political philosophy, Aristotle's "Politics" is indispensable. It's not just a piece of history; it's a work that will challenge you to consider deep questions about how society functions and what makes a good government. Whether you're a student of political science, a history buff, or just curious about the development of political systems, this book's comprehensive exploration of governance from household to city-state will offer you timeless insights.
The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War
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from $11.90

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If you're intrigued by how global politics intertwine with economics, "The Economic Weapon" is a compelling read. Nicholas Mulder offers a deep dive into the historical context of economic sanctions, illuminating their rise as instruments of power and persuasion. It's an enlightening exploration for anyone interested in the intricacies of international relations and economic warfare.
Why Trust Science? - Thryft
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Ottmar Edenhofer, Naomi Oreskes, Jon Krosnick  | Princeton University Press

Why Trust Science?

Regular price $11.85 from $8.30 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.91

Regular price $11.85 from $8.30 30% off

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68% off est. retail

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"Why Trust Science?" is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand why science is trustworthy despite its imperfections. With insights from the history and philosophy of science, Naomi Oreskes shows that scientific claims are rigorously vetted through a social process which includes consensus. The book also examines cases where scientists got it wrong and discusses the vital lessons we can learn from them. If you are interested in understanding the role of science in society and how to differentiate truth from falsehood, this book is a great place to start.
Industrial-Strength Denial : Eight Stories of Corporations Defending the Indefensible, from the Slave Trade to Climate Change - Thryft
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Regular price $11.87 from $8.31 30% off

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64% off est. retail

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This book is recommended for those who want to understand how corporations prioritize profits over people and the environment, leading to denial and harmful consequences. The book delves into eight campaigns of denial, which are recounted in an epic tour showcasing group dynamics of delusion and deception. The author, an environmental attorney, combines deeply researched insight from her cross-examination of coal industry witnesses and psychological research to reveal how corporations create tribalism, power, conflict, anonymity, social norms, market ideology, and money.
A Little History of Economics - Thryft
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Niall Kishtainy | Yale University Press

A Little History of Economics

from $7.16

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Goodreads rating: 4.09

from $7.16

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What causes poverty? Are economic crises inevitable under capitalism? Is government intervention in an economy a helpful approach or a disastrous idea? The answers to such basic economic questions matter to everyone, yet the unfamiliar jargon and math of economics can seem daunting. This clear, accessible, and even humorous book is ideal for young readers new to economics and for all readers who seek a better understanding of the full sweep of economic history and ideas. Economic historian Niall Kishtainy organizes short, chronological chapters that center on big ideas and events. He recounts the contributions of key thinkers including Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, and others, while examining topics ranging from the invention of money and the rise of agrarianism to the Great Depression, entrepreneurship, environmental destruction, inequality, and behavioral economics. The result is a uniquely enjoyable volume that succeeds in illuminating the economic ideas and forces that shape our world.
The Essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected Essays and Addresses - Thryft
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from $10.90

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Recommended for readers seeking accessible theological insights. The selection of essays provides a good introduction to Niebuhr's thoughts on the life of faith and theological ethics. Users may appreciate Niebuhr's clear communication style and practical understanding of theology.
Battle Cry of Freedom : The Civil War Era - Thryft
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from $11.36

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Battle Cry of Freedom is a must-read for history buffs, as it offers a thorough and engaging perspective on the political, social, and military events that marked the Civil War era. McPherson's writing is both comprehensive and accessible, highlighting the personalities and decisions that led to this pivotal moment in American history. The book's emphasis on the role of slavery in the conflict and the consequences of the war for the nation make it a particularly insightful read. Overall, this is an authoritative, masterful volume that should be on every history-lover's bookshelf.
An Introduction To Political Philosophy - Thryft
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from $7.31

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What would life be like without the state? What justifies the state? Who should rule? How much liberty should the citizen enjoy? How should property be justly distributed? This book examines the central problems involved in political philosophy and the past attempts to respond to theseproblems. Jonathan Wolff looks at the works of Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Mill, Marx, and Rawls (among others), examining how the debates between philosophers have developed, and searching for possible answers to these provocative questions. His final chapter looks at more recent issues,particularly feminist political theory.
Beccaria: 'On Crimes and Punishments' and Other Writings - Thryft
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Regular price $12.32 from $8.90 35% off

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70% off est. retail

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If you're intrigued by the underpinnings of modern justice systems and enjoy delving into philosophical texts, you'll find Beccaria's work compelling. This book uncovers the tapestry of Enlightenment thought, showcasing how ideas about punishment, politics, and human motivation intertwine. It breathes life into historical concepts that still echo in current debates on law and order, making it a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in the evolution of societal norms and governance.
Red Flags : Why Xi's China Is in Jeopardy - Thryft
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from $11.59

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This book could be a good read for someone interested in understanding the complexities of China's economic growth and the potential risks it faces. George Magnus provides an in-depth analysis of the key challenges including debt, middle income, the Renminbi, and an aging population, and examines how these factors could hinder China's continued rise. Not only does he explore economic issues, but Magnus also delves into the political direction of President Xi Jinping and its compatibility with China's economic aspirations. With thorough research and a critical perspective, this book offers valuable insights into the potential conflicts over trade, China's relationship with Trump, and its Belt and Road initiative in Eurasia.
Political Liberalism - Thryft
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Professor John Rawls | Columbia University Press

Political Liberalism

from $8.58

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Goodreads rating: 3.95

from $8.58

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Revising and continuing the idea of justice and fairness in A Theory of Justice, Rawls poses the question of how a stable and just society of free and equal citizens can live in concord when deeply divided by reasonable and incompatible doctrines. With its distinctive form of liberalism----resting on an idea of free public reason---- Political Liberalism yields new insights into the question of justice in our pluralistic society.
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Thomas Hobbes, J.C.A. Gaskin  | Oxford University Press


from $8.90

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Goodreads rating: 3.71

from $8.90

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42% off est. retail

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If you're inclined towards deep thinking about the mechanisms of society and governance, "Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes is something you shouldn't miss. This edition comes with modernized spelling and valuable annotations to help you navigate Hobbes's complex arguments. It's a book that has been revered for generations, constantly finding relevance in the evolving political landscape. It could offer you a new lens to view authority, human nature, and social contracts.
Why Has Japan 'Succeeded'? : Western Technology and the Japanese Ethos - Thryft
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from $3.13

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This book, by a distinguished Japanese economist now resident in the West, offers a new interpretation of the current success of the Japanese economy. By placing the rise of Japan in the context of its historical development, Michio Morishima shows how a strongly-held national ethos has interacted with religious, social and technological ideas imported from elsewhere to produce highly distinctive cultural traits. While Professor Morishima traces the roots of modern Japan back as far as the introduction of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism from China in the sixth century, he concentrates his observations on the last 120 years during which Japan has had extensive contacts with the West. He describes the swift rise of Japan to the status of a first-rate power following the Meiji Revolution after 1867, in which Japan broke with a long history of isolationism, and which paved the way for the adoption of Western technology and the creation of a modern Western-style nation state; and a similarly meteoric rise from the devastation of the Second World War to Japan's present position. A range of factors in Japan's economic success are analysed: her characteristic dualistic social structure - corresponding to the divide between large and medium/small enterprises - the relations of government and big business, the poor reception of liberalism and individualism, and the strength of the Japanese nationalism. Throughout, Professor Morishima emphasises the importance of the role played in the creation of Japanese capitalism by ethical doctrines as transformed under Japanese conditions, especially the Japanese Confucian tradition of complete loyalty to the firm and to the state. This account, which makes clear the extent to which the economic rise of Japan is due to factors unique to its historical traditions, will be of interest to a wide general readership as well as to students of Japan and its history.
Capital in the Twenty-First Century - Thryft
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from $18.28

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This book is an eye-opener for anyone interested in the long-term evolution of inequality and economic growth. Piketty's careful analysis of historical data shows that, while modern growth has decreased inequality, structural issues still need to be addressed. His arguments are sure to spark debate and are especially relevant in today's economic climate.
The Globalization Of World Politics - An Introduction To International Relations - Thryft
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This book is perfect for students new to international relations, as it provides an easy and accessible introduction to the complex topic of global politics. Its authors - John Baylis, Steve Smith, and Patricia Owens - are leading experts in the field, and their expertise is on full display in this comprehensive guide. In addition to providing historical context and important theoretical frameworks, the book also addresses contemporary issues, such as globalization and environmentalism, giving readers a full picture of the current state of global politics.
Aristotle's "Politics" - Thryft
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Carnes Lord, Aristotle  | University Of Chicago Press

Aristotle's "Politics"

from $5.07

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Goodreads rating: 3.98

from $5.07

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66% off est. retail

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One of the fundamental works of Western political thought, Aristotle’s masterwork is the first systematic treatise on the science of politics. For almost three decades, Carnes Lord’s justly acclaimed translation has served as the standard English edition. Widely regarded as the most faithful to both the original Greek and Aristotle’s distinctive style, it is also written in clear, contemporary English.This new edition of the Politics retains and adds to Lord’s already extensive notes, clarifying the flow of Aristotle’s argument and identifying literary and historical references. A glossary defines key terms in Aristotle’s philosophical-political vocabulary. Lord has made revisions to problematic passages throughout the translation in order to enhance both its accuracy and its readability. He has also substantially revised his introduction for the new edition, presenting an account of Aristotle’s life in relation to political events of his time; the character and history of his writings and of the Politics in particular; his overall conception of political science; and his impact on subsequent political thought from antiquity to the present. Further enhancing this new edition is an up-to-date selected bibliography.
The Two Cultures - Thryft
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C.P. Snow, Stefan Collini  | Cambridge University Press

The Two Cultures

from $5.69

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Goodreads rating: 3.66

from $5.69

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The notion that our society, its education system and its intellectual life, is characterised by a split between two cultures—the arts or humanities on one hand, and the sciences on the other—has a long history. But it was C. P. Snow's Rede lecture of 1959 that brought it to prominence and began a public debate that is still raging in the media today. This 50th anniversary printing of The Two Cultures and its successor piece, A Second Look (in which Snow responded to the controversy four years later) features an introduction by Stefan Collini, charting the history and context of the debate, its implications and its afterlife. The importance of science and technology in policy run largely by non-scientists, the future for education and research, and the problem of fragmentation threatening hopes for a common culture are just some of the subjects discussed.
When Words Lose Their Meaning : Constitutions and Reconstitutions of Language, Character, and Community - Thryft
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Through fresh readings of texts ranging from Homer's Iliad , Swift's Tale of a Tub , and Austen's Emma through the United States Constitution and McCulloch v. Maryland , James Boyd White examines the relationship between an individual mind and its language and culture as well as the "textual community" established between writer and audience. These striking textual analyses develop a rhetoric—a "way of reading" that can be brought to any text but that, in broader terms, becomes a way of learning that can shape the reader's life."In this ambitious and demanding work of literary criticism, James Boyd White seeks to communicate 'a sense of reading in a new and different way.' . . . [White's] marriage of lawyerly acumen and classically trained literary sensibility—equally evident in his earlier work, The Legal Imagination —gives the best parts of When Words Lose Their Meaning a gravity and moral earnestness rare in the pages of contemporary literary criticism."—Roger Kimball, American Scholar"James Boyd White makes a state-of-the-art attempt to enrich legal theory with the insights of modern literary theory. Of its kind, it is a singular and standout achievement. . . . [White's] selections span the whole range of legal, literary, and political offerings, and his writing evidences a sustained and intimate experience with these texts. Writing with natural elegance, White manages to be insightful and inciteful. Throughout, his timely book is energized by an urgent love of literature and law and their liberating potential. His passion and sincerity are palpable."—Allan C. Hutchinson, Yale Law Journal"Undeniably a unique and significant work. . . . When Words Lose Their Meaning is a rewarding book by a distinguished legal scholar. It is a showcase for the most interesting sort of inter-disciplinary the kind that brings together from traditionally separate fields not so much information as ideas and approaches."—R. B. Kershner, Jr., Georgia Review
The Prince - Thryft
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from $6.09

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This book is a classic treatise on the nature of power, especially in the political sphere. It provides in-depth analysis on the means by which political power can be seized, held onto, and lost. It also delves into the relationship between public deeds and private morality, particularly in the context of Renaissance Italy. This book would be a great read for anyone interested in political philosophy or history. Be prepared to have your beliefs challenged, as Machiavelli presents a brutally honest picture of the reality of power.
Fear of Small Numbers: An Essay on the Geography of Anger
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Arjun Appadurai | Duke University Press Books

Fear of Small Numbers: An Essay on the Geography of Anger

Regular price $10.90 from $8.90 18% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.82

Regular price $10.90 from $8.90 18% off

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64% off est. retail

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"Fear of Small Numbers" is quite the revelation if you're looking to dive deep into the paradox of increasing violence in our era of globalization. Appadurai's sharp intellect dissects the fears and tensions between global majorities and minorities with a compelling perspective that's both enlightening and sobering. It’s the kind of read that could reshape how you understand contemporary world affairs and the intricate dance between cultural identity and global forces.
The Prince
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Peter Bondanella, Niccolò Machiavelli, Maurizio Viroli  | Oxford University Press

The Prince

Regular price $6.90 from $4.90 34% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.84

Regular price $6.90 from $4.90 34% off

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47% off est. retail

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If you're someone who appreciates not just history but the darker undertones of political strategy, "The Prince" might just resonate with you. It's a no-nonsense guide that delves deep into the machinations of power and governance, stripped of idealistic gloss. The Oxford World's Classics edition promises a depth of scholarship and clarity that could enrich your understanding of Machiavelli's impactful treatise. Whether you're a student of politics, philosophy, or are simply intrigued by the often murky waters of leadership, this translation, accompanied by valuable notes and insights, could serve as a remarkable and thought-provoking companion.
The Third Revolution : Xi Jinping and the New Chinese State - Thryft
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Elizabeth C. Economy | Oxford University Press

The Third Revolution : Xi Jinping and the New Chinese State

Regular price $8.82 from $6.17 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.79

Regular price $8.82 from $6.17 30% off

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63% off est. retail

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The Third Revolution could be a good read for anyone interested in understanding the political and economic transformation underway in China under Xi Jinping's leadership. The book covers a wide range of topics including corruption, innovation, environmental concerns, and global presence, providing an in-depth analysis of each. This book is recommended for readers who are interested in understanding China's standing in global affairs and how China's evolution will impact the world in the future.
The Great Derangement - Climate Change And The Unthinkable - Thryft
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from $11.81

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Are we deranged? The acclaimed Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh argues that future generations may well think so. How else to explain our imaginative failure in the face of global warming? In his first major book of nonfiction since In an Antique Land, Ghosh examines our inability—at the level of literature, history, and politics—to grasp the scale and violence of climate change.The extreme nature of today’s climate events, Ghosh asserts, make them peculiarly resistant to contemporary modes of thinking and imagining. This is particularly true of serious literary fiction: hundred-year storms and freakish tornadoes simply feel too improbable for the novel; they are automatically consigned to other genres. In the writing of history, too, the climate crisis has sometimes led to gross simplifications; Ghosh shows that the history of the carbon economy is a tangled global story with many contradictory and counterintuitive elements.Ghosh ends by suggesting that politics, much like literature, has become a matter of personal moral reckoning rather than an arena of collective action. But to limit fiction and politics to individual moral adventure comes at a great cost. The climate crisis asks us to imagine other forms of human existence—a task to which fiction, Ghosh argues, is the best suited of all cultural forms. His book serves as a great writer’s summons to confront the most urgent task of our time.
Waiting for the Dawn : A Plan for the Prince - Thryft
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from $15.22

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The Ming-i Tai-fang Lu of Huang Tsunghsi (1610-1695) is unique in the history of Chinese Political literature. Since the time of Confucius and Mencius, no other work in the long Confucian tradition has stood out so clearly as a major critique of Chinese dynastic institutions.
The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism
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John C. Bogle | Yale University Press

The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism

Regular price $13.90 from $10.90 28% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.82

Regular price $13.90 from $10.90 28% off

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70% off est. retail

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If you've ever been concerned about where your investments are really going, "The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism" is a book that can resonate with you. John C. Bogle, a finance pioneer, isn't just theorizing; he's spent his life in the investment trenches. His insights could alter how you perceive the responsibilities of financial guardians and the rights of investors like yourself.
The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia
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from $11.90

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If you're intrigued by the untold stories of people living on the fringes of society, "The Art of Not Being Governed" will be a revelation. It's not just a history book; it's an exploration of the human spirit's desire for autonomy. James C. Scott takes you on an odyssey through Zomia, introducing you to cultures that prioritized freedom over the constraints of statehood, a concept that challenges our understanding of civilization and governance. This book will shift your perspective and offer a deep dive into the lives of those who chose to exist outside the state's reach.
Pope Francis Among the Wolves : The Inside Story of a Revolution - Thryft
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from $10.33

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Marco Politi takes us deep inside the power struggle roiling the Roman Curia and the Catholic Church worldwide, beginning with Benedict XVI, the pope who famously resigned in 2013, and intensifying with the contested and unexpected election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, now known as Pope Francis. Politi's account balances the perspectives of Pope Francis's supporters, Benedict's sympathizers, and those disappointed members of the Catholic laity who feel alienated by the institution's secrecy, financial corruption, and refusal to modernize.Politi dramatically recounts the sexual scandals that have rocked the church and the accusations of money laundering and other financial misdeeds swirling around the Vatican and the Italian Catholic establishment. Pope Francis has tried to shine a light on these crimes, but his work has been met with resistance from entrenched factions. Politi writes of the decline in church attendance and vocations to the priesthood throughout the world as the church continues to prohibit divorced and remarried Catholics from receiving the communion wafer. He visits European parishes where women now perform the functions of missing male priests--and where the remaining parishioners would welcome the admission of women to the priesthood, if the church would allow it.Pope Francis's emphasis on pastoral compassion for all who struggle with the burden of family life has also provoked the ire of traditionalists in the Roman Curia and elsewhere. He knows from personal experience what life is like for the poor in Buenos Aires and other metropolises of the globalized world, and highlights the contrast between the vital, vibrant faith of these parishioners and the disillusionment of European Catholics. Pope Francis and his supporters are locked in a battle with the defenders of the traditional hard line and with ecclesiastical corruption. In this conflict, the future of Catholicism is at stake--and it is far from certain Francis will succeed in saving the institution from decline.
Oxford IB Diploma Programme: Authoritarian States Course Companion - Thryft
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Regular price $17.17 from $12.02 30% off

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76% off est. retail

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This book would be an excellent choice for students who are studying International Baccalaureate Program. The book is specifically designed to enhance critical thinking and advanced skills development. It covers the new syllabus in depth, with rich content. One unique feature of the book is its comparative approach to learning. The book provides learners with insight into authoritarian states while making convincing connections to the modern global world. The book provides extensive examiner insights and sample exams, which is a great way for learners to think critically about their performance to improve it.
Kosovo: What Everyone Needs to Know - Thryft
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Tim Judah | Oxford University Press

Kosovo: What Everyone Needs to Know

Regular price $8.90 from $6.90 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.8

Regular price $8.90 from $6.90 30% off

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Recommendation: This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the historical and geopolitical dynamics of Kosovo. Tim Judah, a seasoned journalist, provides a comprehensive overview without overwhelming the reader. Through insightful analysis and clear explanations, you'll gain a deep understanding of Kosovo's importance and its role in the region. Whether you are interested in the Balkans or eager to grasp the complexities of self-determination, this book will leave you well-informed and enlightened.
World Politics and International Law - Thryft
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from $13.82

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This work tries to bridge the gap between international lawyers and those political scientists who write about international politics. In the first part, the author discusses the influence of Professor Morgenthau's realist school on the current thinking of political scientists and the abandonment of this school by its originator in the last years of his life. The author concludes that the best way to test the validity of different approaches is to discuss various international crises in the light of contrasting theories and to analyze each situation from both the legal and political points of view. In particular, he tries to ascertain to what extent vital national interests could be accommodated within an international legal framework, or could require a distortion of international rules in order to achieve national objectives. In the second part, the author dissects the Entebbe raid, where Israeli forces rescued a group of hostages being detained by hijackers at a Ugandan airport. His analysis shows the deficiencies of the international system in dealing with such a complex issue, where several contradictory principles of international law could be applied and were defended by various protagonists. The third part starts with a parallel problem--the Iranian hostages crisis, where a group of U.S. officials found themselves in an unprecedented situation of being captured by a band of students. A critical analysis of the handling of this problem by the Carter Administration is followed by vignettes of other crises faced by the Administration and by its successor, the Reagan Administration. This part is less analytical and more prescriptive. The author is no long satisfied with pointing out what went wrong; instead, he departs from the usual hands-off policy of political scientists and tries to indicate how much better each situation could have been handled if the decision makers had been paying more attention to international law and international organizations. The theme is slowly developed that in the long run national interest is better served not by practicing power politics and relying on the use of threat of force but by strengthening those international institutions that can provide a neutral environment for first slowing down a crisis and then finding an equitable solution acceptable to most of the parties in conflict. The value of this book lies primarily in giving the reader a real insight into several important issues of today that are familiar to most people only from newspaper headlines and television news. While not everybody can agree with all his criticisms of the mistakes of various governments, there is an honest attempt by the author to present issues impartially and to let the blame fall where it may. Being both an international lawyer and a political scientist, the author has had the advantage of combining the methodology of these two social sciences into a rich tapestry with some startling shades and tones.
How Democratic is the American Constitution? - Thryft
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from $13.46

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60% off est. retail

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"How Democratic is the American Constitution?" is a must-read for those who are interested in questioning the status quo and thinking critically about how the American political system functions in comparison to other democratic systems. The book sheds light on significant antidemocratic elements such as the federal system, bicameral legislature, judicial review and others. It challenges the legitimacy of the American constitution and encourages readers to consider opportunities for creating a more democratic society. The book is well-researched, informative, and thought-provoking.
Neoliberalism as Exception : Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignty - Thryft
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from $6.34

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This book is a must-read for anyone curious about how neoliberalism shapes the world we live in. Through captivating case studies, Aihwa Ong reveals the surprising ways in which different regimes adapt and manipulate the neoliberal agenda to exert control and compete globally. By shedding light on the exceptions and transformations that occur within governing practices, Ong unravels the complex relationship between power, knowledge, and citizenship. Prepare to question the traditional boundaries of sovereignty and discover the emergence of an interactive mode of citizenship that values marketable skills over national identity.
Technics and Civilization - Thryft
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from $15.72

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Recommendation: "Technics and Civilization" is an eye-opening, thought-provoking read that delves deep into the origins of modern technology. Lewis Mumford's in-depth research on the history of culture, philosophy, and science provides a unique perspective on the moral, economic, and political choices that have led to our present-day industrially-driven economy. This book is a must-read for those interested in understanding the impact of technology on society and how it continues to shape our world today.
Fault Lines - How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy - Thryft
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Raghuram G. Rajan | Princeton University Press

Fault Lines - How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy

Regular price $11.90 from $9.90 17% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.11

Regular price $11.90 from $9.90 17% off

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If you've ever wondered about the underlying issues that led to the global financial meltdown, "Fault Lines" is an essential read. Raghuram Rajan doesn't just point fingers at the usual suspects; he unveils the systemic weaknesses that set the stage for economic disaster. You'll gain a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of global economies and the precarious balancing act that supports them. This book will arm you with knowledge about the troubling forces at play beneath the surface of global financial systems.
The Furies : Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolutions - Thryft
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from $19.01

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69% off est. retail

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"The Furies" is a thought-provoking book for anyone interested in the history of revolutions, especially the French and Russian Revolutions. Mayer's argument against the prevailing view that ideologies and personalities controlled the course of these events make for a refreshing read. The book sheds light on the resistances to revolution and the nature of revolutionary violence, making it an interesting read for history enthusiasts and scholars alike. However, it is a dense read and may require some dedication to get through its 736 pages.
The Global City : New York, London, Tokyo - Thryft
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from $14.27

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Recommendation: - This book is a captivating exploration of how three major cities, New York, London, and Tokyo, transformed into global powerhouses. Through a unique theoretical framework, Sassen delves into the formation of cross-border dynamics and strategic transnational networks that shaped these cities' growth. With updated data and a discussion of globalization trends, this revised edition offers valuable insights into the forces shaping our interconnected world. Whether you are interested in urban development, economics, or globalization, this book is a must-read for understanding the impact of global cities.
Kosovo : What Everyone Needs to Know (R) - Thryft
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from $7.46

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On February 17, 2008, Kosovo declared its independence, becoming the seventh state to emerge from the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. A tiny country of just two million people, 90% of whom are ethnic Albanians, Kosovo is central-geographically, historically, and politically-to the future of the Western Balkans and, in turn, its potential future within the European Union. But the fate of both Kosovo, condemned by Serbian leaders as a "fake state" and the region as a whole, remains uncertain.In Kosovo: What Everyone Needs to Know®, Tim Judah provides a straight-forward guide to the complicated place that is Kosovo. Judah, who has spent years covering the region, offers succinct, penetrating answers to a wide range of questions: Why is Kosovo important? Who are the Albanians? Who are the Serbs? Why is Kosovo so important to Serbs? What role does Kosovo play in the region and in the world? Judah reveals how things stand now and presents the history and geopolitical dynamics that have led to it. The most important of these is the question of the right to self-determination, invoked by the Kosovo Albanians, as opposed to right of territorial integrity invoked by the Serbs. For many Serbs, Kosovo's declaration of independence and subsequent recognition has been traumatic, a savage blow to national pride. Albanians, on the other hand, believe their independence rights an historical wrong: the Serbian conquest (Serbs say "liberation") of Kosovo in 1912.For anyone wishing to understand both the history and possible future of Kosovo at this pivotal moment in its history, this book offers a wealth of insight and information in a uniquely accessible format.What Everyone Needs to Know® is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press.
The Making of the New Deal : The Insiders Speak - Thryft
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There has never been a phenomenon in American life to equal the invasion of Washington by the young New Dealers―hundreds of men and women still in their twenties and thirties, brilliant and dedicated, trained in the law, economics, public administration, technology, pouring into public life to do nothing less than restructure American society. They proposed new programs, drafted legislation, staffed the new agencies. They were active in the Administration, the Congress, the courts, the news media. They fanned out all over America to discover the facts, plan ways of easing the pain of their foundering country, and report on the results. Many of them went on to be rich, famous, and powerful, but their early experience in Washington was perhaps the most inspiriting of their lives.Katie Louchheim was among those who arrived in Washington in the 1930s, and being a keen writer as well as the wife of a member of the SEC, she had a front-row seat for the spectacle of social progress. Now, a half-century later, she has gathered reminiscences from her old friends and colleagues, interviewed others, and woven them together into a lively, informal word-picture of that exciting time. Among the many insiders who recount their views are Alger Hiss, Robert C. Weaver, Paul A. Freund, James H. Rowe, Wilbur J. Cohen, Abe Fortas, David Riesman, and Joseph L. Rauh. This book, a singular and uplifting primary document of an extraordinary period, is destined to appeal across a wide spectrum of readers of American history.
An Inside Job - Policing And Police Culture In Britain - Thryft
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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the inner workings of the British police force. Through the author's personal experiences, readers gain insight into the habits, language, and culture of the police. The book offers a revealing and sometimes controversial perspective on the ideologies and humor that shape the force and is sure to be a thought-provoking read for those interested in criminal justice and law enforcement.
The Bill of Rights : Creation and Reconstruction - Thryft
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Akhil Reed Amar | Yale University Press

The Bill of Rights : Creation and Reconstruction

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Goodreads rating: 4.1

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A professor of Constitutional law at Yale analyzes the history and meaning of each clause of the original Bill of Rights and shows how a later generation of abolitionists profoundly changed the Bill into the one Americans know today. History Bk Club. UP.
The Republican Experiment, 1848-1852 - Thryft
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"The Republican Experiment, 1848-1852" by Maurice Agulhon is a great read for history buffs interested in the events that shaped modern day French politics. The book delves into the bold attempt by the Second Republic to combine liberty with democracy for the first time in French history. Agulhon examines the social conditions and psychological mindset of the masses of new citizens which led to the Republic's temporary failure. This book is recommended for anyone interested in the history of popular culture and thought in France.
Thank You, Anarchy - Notes From The Occupy Apocalypse - Thryft
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Thank You, Anarchy is an up-close, inside account of Occupy Wall Street’s first year in New York City, written by one of the first reporters to cover the phenomenon. Nathan Schneider chronicles the origins and explosive development of the Occupy movement through the eyes of the organizers who tried to give shape to an uprising always just beyond their control. Capturing the voices, encounters, and beliefs that powered the movement, Schneider brings to life the General Assembly meetings, the chaotic marches, the split-second decisions, and the moments of doubt as Occupy swelled from a hashtag online into a global phenomenon.A compelling study of the spirit that drove this watershed movement, Thank You, Anarchy vividly documents how the Occupy experience opened new social and political possibilities and registered a chilling indictment of the status quo. It was the movement’s most radical impulses, this account shows, that shook millions out of a failed tedium and into imagining, and fighting for, a better kind of future.
A Passion for Democracy : American Essays - Thryft
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Benjamin R. Barber | Princeton University Press

A Passion for Democracy : American Essays

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Goodreads rating: 3.75

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A Passion for Democracy: American Essays is a great read for individuals interested in understanding American democracy. The author lays out the importance of civic education and culture in relationship to democracy, and how technology could affect the very principles democracy rests upon. It's unique in its analysis of censorship and how it affects democracy. If you're looking for a thought-provoking and insightful read about democracy, this book is for you.
Helen Keller : A Life - Thryft
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Dorothy Herrmann | University Of Chicago Press

Helen Keller : A Life

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This book is recommended for those who seek inspiration from real-life stories of triumph against all odds. It explores the life of Helen Keller, a charismatic and high-strung woman who had to overcome the challenges of being blind and deaf. The book highlights her love affair, successful education at Radcliffe College, and her passion for advocating for the disabled. The author explores Keller's relationship with Annie Sullivan, her teacher, and how it influenced her life. The book presents Keller in a unique light that neither condemns her as a fraud nor venerates her as a saint. Readers will be inspired by Keller's story of perseverance and determination to chart her own path in life.
The United States And The End Of The Cold War - Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations - Thryft
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This book is an insightful reassessment of the Cold War, shedding new light on its ending and its aftermath. The author, John Lewis Gaddis, provides a fresh assessment of the evolution of the war and offers thoughtful essays on the history of international relations during the last half century, including espionage, morality and containment. Gaddis concludes with a consideration of the problems and forces at work in the post-Cold War world. This is a great read for anyone interested in Cold War history and its implications on the future.
Beyond Repair? - America's Death Penalty - Thryft
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If you are drawn to complex moral issues, "Beyond Repair? - America's Death Penalty" will resonate deeply with you. This book offers a powerful exploration of one of the most contentious facets of the American justice system. You'll find yourself engrossed in a rigorous examination of capital punishment's inherent challenges, making it a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in law, ethics, or social justice.
America Divided - The Civil War Of The 1960S - Thryft
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This book provides a comprehensive look at the key events that shaped America in the 1960s, from civil rights to the Vietnam war and the assassinations of influential leaders. It offers readers a deep understanding of the complexities and controversies that characterized this era and continues to impact the country even today. Recommended for history buffs looking to gain insight into one of the most tumultuous decades in American history.
Rethinking Working-Class History : Bengal 1890-1940 - Thryft
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Dipesh Chakrabarty | Princeton University Press

Rethinking Working-Class History : Bengal 1890-1940

Regular price $20.90 from $11.90 44% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.68

Regular price $20.90 from $11.90 44% off

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This book is a must-read for those interested in the labor movement in Calcutta and the challenges faced by jute-mill workers from 1890 to 1940. Dipesh Chakrabarty's use of a sensitive documentary method to study the experiences of workers and their bosses is impressive. His critique of emancipatory narratives and their relationship to Marxist categories challenges traditional Marxist historiography. Chakrabarty's examination of the milieu of jute-mill workers and the way it influenced their capacity for class solidarity and "revolutionary" action will fascinate those who want to delve deeper into the subject.