Books from Singapore Publishers

Dive into the world of SingLit (Singapore Literature) with our extensive collection of books from leading Singaporean publishers, including Ethos Books and Epigram Books. This collection features books available here at Thryft from these and other esteemed publishers, offering a wide range of genres such as fiction, nonfiction, children’s literature, and rare titles. Whether you’re seeking thought-provoking memoirs, artistic explorations, or business insights, this collection captures the diverse voices of Singaporean literature.

Support local authors and discover stories that reflect the heart of Singapore’s culture and identity. With titles from iconic publishers like Ethos and Epigram, you’re sure to find captivating reads. Start your SingLit journey today and enjoy great deals on every book.

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The Advocate's Devil

from $8.90

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If you're drawn to historical fiction and intrigued by the complexity of colonial societies, "The Advocate's Devil" could be a compelling read for you. Dennis Chiang's experience, bridging cultural divides in 1930s Singapore, mirrors challenges still relevant today. With its rich backdrop, courtroom drama, and hints of espionage, this book promises a captivating journey through a pivotal time in history.
Big Mole - Thryft
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Ming Cher | Epigram Books

Big Mole

Regular price $8.90 from $5.90 37% off

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Goodreads rating: 3.74

Regular price $8.90 from $5.90 37% off

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If you’re drawn to stories where the backdrop is as vibrant and intricate as the characters, "Big Mole" might speak to you. Ming Cher captures late 1950s Singapore with such veracity that the city's buzz practically hums off the page. Big Mole herself is a beacon of resilience, navigating a world where her desire for independence clashes with societal upheaval. This read offers not just a gripping plot but an immersive cultural experience.
Foreigners Behaving Badly - Committing Murder, Hooliganism And Other Crimes In Singapore - Thryft
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Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 51% off

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81% off est. retail

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This book provides an eye-opening account of the dark side of Singapore's cosmopolitan culture, featuring stories of misbehavior and criminal acts committed by foreigners who failed to acclimatize to their new surroundings. The author's frank and engaging writing will engage readers interested in exploring the less-spoken aspect of cultural adaptation, and help them to better understand the risks and challenges faced by immigrants in foreign lands.