Books from Singapore Publishers

Dive into the world of SingLit (Singapore Literature) with our extensive collection of books from leading Singaporean publishers, including Ethos Books and Epigram Books. This collection features books available here at Thryft from these and other esteemed publishers, offering a wide range of genres such as fiction, nonfiction, children’s literature, and rare titles. Whether you’re seeking thought-provoking memoirs, artistic explorations, or business insights, this collection captures the diverse voices of Singaporean literature.

Support local authors and discover stories that reflect the heart of Singapore’s culture and identity. With titles from iconic publishers like Ethos and Epigram, you’re sure to find captivating reads. Start your SingLit journey today and enjoy great deals on every book.

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Gateway to World Religions
Asiapac Editorial Board | Asiapac Books

Gateway to World Religions

Regular price $43.90 $3.90 95% off

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Goodreads rating: 0.0

Regular price $43.90 $3.90 95% off

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In stock: Very Good, Well Read

This book is a perfect introduction to the diverse tapestry of world religions. It provides a comprehensive overview of the core beliefs, values, and practices of 12 major religions, helping readers understand and appreciate the similarities and differences between them. Whether you are a curious individual exploring different faiths or someone seeking to promote inter-religious understanding, this book will be your gateway to a deeper appreciation of the rich and diverse spiritual traditions that shape our world.