Nature Books

Explore the beauty of the natural world with our Nature collection at Thryft. Immerse yourself in captivating narratives about the environment, wildlife, and the mysteries of our planet. From renowned environmentalists to insightful nature writers, there's something for every keen nature enthusiast.

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Birds, Bees and Educated Fleas : An A -Z Guide to the Sexual Predilections of Animals from Aardvarks to Zebras - Thryft
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This book is perfect for nature enthusiasts and curious minds alike. From giraffes that hip swoon to rhinoceroses that mate dozens of times a week, this amusing A-Z guide is chock full of fun and interesting tidbits about the mating habits of animals. Bruce Montague also throws in a sprinkle of Homo sapiens sapiens in this wide-ranging, well-researched look at animal love and lust.
Plants That Heal, Thrill And Kill - Thryft
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Wee Yeow Chin | Snp Reference

Plants That Heal, Thrill And Kill

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 0.0

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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This book is perfect for anyone interested in learning about the medicinal properties of plants and their dangers. With colorful illustrations and comprehensive indexes, it serves as an invaluable reference for avid gardeners, parents, and students alike.
Minerals - Thryft
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Roberto Appiani, Alessandro Guastoni  | Firefly Books


from $6.87

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Goodreads rating: 3.2

from $6.87

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Excerpted from the Mineralogy is the science of minerals. To the uninitiated, mineralogy can appear to be a very complicated subject. Many of the disciplines that form its core, such as chemistry, crystallography, physics and mathematics, can constitute forbidding barriers to understanding this fascinating natural science. This book endeavors to eliminate such barriers and to accompany the reader seeking to enter the world of minerals. The primary goals of this introduction are to illustrate some of the principal properties of minerals, present the modern tools used in their study, describe the natural environments in which minerals are formed, and explain the criteria by which minerals are classified. The main section of this book is an illustrated guide to 288 mineral species, all of them illustrated with unique photographs taken by nature photographer Roberto Appiani. Special thanks go to Dr. Federico Pezzotta, Curator of Mineralogy and Petrography at the Museum of Natural History in Milan, Italy, who wrote the section of this introduction that deals with the environments in which minerals are formed. Minerals are crystalline substances that are found in their natural state. Minerals are familiar to everyone, as they compose the rocks and mountains around us, as well as the sand on our beaches and the soil in our gardens. Many of the products we use every day are composed of toothpaste, for example, contains microcrystals of mica, calcite and fluorite, while detergents contain such mineral additives as calcite, dolomite, clays and zeolites. Minerals are components of meteorites and planets, while gemstones are nothing more than rough fragments of crystals, unusually transparent or colorful, that have been cut to emphasize their brilliance and transparency. Minerals have always had great importance in our world; from the dawn of history, each step in mankind's development can be measured by the use of metals. Today, minerals are the principal elements of steel and special alloys, and are integral to electronic and communication devices; they ace also used in the space industry and in the manufacture of a great many everyday items. The science of mineralogy came into being in relatively recent times. In order to understand the scientific criteria that governs its principles, one needs to trace the most important steps along its path over the centuries. The oldest use of minerals is related to primitive humans used natural pigments, hematite reds and manganese oxide blacks, to paint the walls of the caves in which they lived. About 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians were making objects from precious metals, using such colored minerals as malachite, lazurite and the emerald variety of beryl. The first texts to deal with mineralogical subjects were those of the Greek Theophrastus, around 370 B.C., and Pliny the Elder 400 years later. With Historio Naturalis , Pliny describes the perfect geometric shapes of crystals, laying the basis for the science of mineralogy. However, it is the German physician and scientist Georgius Agricola who is considered the father of mineralogy. In De Re Metallica ("On Metals"), first printed in 1556, Agricola describes the mining practices of his day in great detail, especially the techniques for exploiting and refining minerals and the procedures involved in the use of fusion to extract metals. Modern crystallography, the study of the forms that compose crystals, was born between the second half of the 1600s and the end of the 1700s, thanks to the contributions of Nicholas Steno, Carangeot and Romé de l'Isle. In 1801, Abbé René-Just Haüy discovered that minerals are composed of countless "molecules" that exactly reproduce the shape of their crystals, anticipating important discoveries that would only be confirmed a century later. During the 19th century, numerous scientists investigated the chemistry of minerals, among them Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius, who established the princip1es of modern mineral classification. The beginning of the 20th century marks a fundamental step in the history of mineralogy, with the dlscovecy of the structure of minerals by German physicist Max von Laue in 1912. Experiments performed using X-rays proved for the first time that minerals are composed of atoms precisely arranged according to exact rules. In the early 1960s, electronic microprobe analysis made possible the study of the chemical composition of minerals, and in comparatively short periods of time, enabled accurate chemical analysis of mineral fragments of even the smallest size (down to 4/100,000 of an inch or 0.001 mm). In the early 1970s, another highly advanced instrument, the transmission electron microscope, went into common use in laboratories and universities (at least those able to afford its high cost). Capable of magnifying millions of times, this tool opened a new frontier in mineralogy, allowing the direct observation of the atoms and the structures that compose minerals.
Seven Mysteries of Life - Thryft
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Guy Murchie | Mariner Books

Seven Mysteries of Life

from $10.73

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Goodreads rating: 4.38

from $10.73

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An American Book Award finalist, Guy Murchie's The Seven Mysteries of Life "embraces all the important information about everything humanity needs to know for continuance aboard planet Earth, or anywhere else in the universe" (Buckminster Fuller)."All life in all worlds"—this was the object of the author's seventeen-year quest for knowledge and discovery, culminating in this book. In a manner unmistakably his own, Murchie delves into the interconnectedness of all life on the planet and of such fields as biology, geology, sociology, mathematics, and physics to provide an astonishing journey into the essence of science, philosophy, and inspiration."Murchie has a remarkably comprehensive knowledge of science and writes about it with the gifts of a poet plus a highly personal, visionary, mystical spirit."— Wall Street Journal"A good book to take to a desert island as sole companion, so rich is it in knowledge and insight."— New York Times best-selling author May Sarton
Biology - Thryft
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from $5.07

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from $5.07

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87% off est. retail

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This textbook is not for the faint of heart but will be a valuable resource for anyone studying biology at the college level. It places a strong emphasis on natural selection and the evolutionary process, providing a holistic view of the subject. The authors have created an authoritative resource that will be invaluable for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of biology.
Hamzah and Yeang : Ecology of the Sky - Thryft
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Ivor Richards | Images

Hamzah and Yeang : Ecology of the Sky

from $18.62

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Goodreads rating: 5.0

from $18.62

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Recommended for environmentally-conscious architects and engineers looking to incorporate sustainable design into skyscrapers. This book showcases Ken Yeang’s innovative designs and experiments in creating ecologically-efficient high-rise buildings, with in-depth technical analyses and beautiful visuals.
The Life of Birds - Thryft
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David Attenborough | Bbc Books

The Life of Birds

from $9.68

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Goodreads rating: 4.39

from $9.68

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"The Life of Birds" by David Attenborough is a fascinating read for bird enthusiasts interested in learning about the diverse behaviors of the 9000 species of birds that exist in the world. Attenborough's presentation of recent research into the complex social systems and survival strategies that birds employ makes this book a perfect choice for anyone keen on understanding the wonders of the natural world.
By The Numbers 3.14 - Thryft
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National Geographic Kids | National Geographic Kids

By The Numbers 3.14

from $5.73

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Goodreads rating: 4.13

from $5.73

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Discover the amazing world of numbers and the real-world wonders they represent through creative, easy-to-understand infographics! 318,979,564,000: That's the average number of beats per minute of a hummingbird's heart. Colourful illustrated graphs, word clouds, pie charts, maps, photography, comparative images, and more illuminate the math behind statistics, trends, and measurements we encounter every day. Infographics cover popular subjects from science and technology to nature and wildlife, as well as everyday activities like sports and TV. Find fascinating Q&As with maths experts such as computer programmers, data artists, and more to show the many ways that maths is cool!
Deadly Animals - Savage Encounters Between Man And Beast - Thryft
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from $6.34

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This book could be a good read for you if you are someone who loves living on the edge and has a fascination with the wild and untamed. With its gory and detailed descriptions of deadly animal encounters, Deadly Animals will keep you on the edge of your seat, making your heart race with each turn of the page. From ferocious big cats to venomous snakes, this book provides a thrilling peek into the dark and dangerous side of the animal kingdom. Brace yourself for savage encounters that will leave you both terrified and captivated.
Introduction to the Physics of Cohesive Sediment Dynamics in the Marine Environment: Volume 56 - Thryft
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Regular price $9.25 from $3.98 57% off

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98% off est. retail

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This book is an introduction to the physical processes of cohesive sediment in the marine environment. It focuses on highly dynamic systems, such as estuaries and coastal seas. Processes on the continental shelf are also discussed and attention is given to the effects of chemistry, biology and gas.The process descriptions are based on hydrodynamic and soil mechanic principles, which integrate at the soil-water interface. This approach is substantiated through a classification scheme of sediment occurrences in which distinction is made between cohesive and granular material. Emphasis is also placed on the important interactions between turbulent flow and cohesive sediment suspensions, and on the impact of flow-induced forces on the stability of the seabed. An overview of literature on cohesive sediment dynamics is presented and a number of new developments are highlighted, in particular in relation to floc formation, settling and sedimentation, consolidation, bed failure and liquefaction and erosion of the bed. Moreover, it presents a summary on methods and techniques to measure the various sediment properties necessary to quantify the various parameters in the physical-mathematical model descriptions. A number of examples and case studies have been included.
The Science of Seasons - Thryft
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The Science of Seasons

from $9.90

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from $9.90

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64% off est. retail

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Offers an illustrated introduction to ways the Earth's orbit affects the seasons, the four seasons of the year, wet and dry seasons, and seasonal changes in plants, animals, and human lifestyles.
Birds of North America - Thryft
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from $6.03

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The book features stunning illustrations of over 900 bird species found in North America. It provides detailed information on each bird's habitat, behavior, and voice, making it the perfect guide for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers. Users rave about the accuracy and detail of the illustrations, which allow them to identify birds with ease.
A Guide to Freshwater Life in Singapore - Thryft
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P.K.L. Ng | Singapore Science Centre

A Guide to Freshwater Life in Singapore

Regular price $5.90 $3.90 67% off

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Goodreads rating: 0.0

Regular price $5.90 $3.90 67% off

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A must-read for nature enthusiasts. Provides comprehensive information about the diverse freshwater species that abound in Singapore's waterways.
Where Have All The Pandas Gone? - Questions And Answers About Endangered Animals - Thryft
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This book is a great read for those who are interested in learning more about endangered species. It presents information in a simple, Q&A format, making it easy to follow and understand. The authors explain the reason for the disappearance of pandas and other animals, and also explore conservation efforts and how effective they are. Overall, this book provides a great introduction to the topic of endangered species and is highly recommended for those who want to learn more.
Dictionary of Plant Names - Thryft
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Allen J. Coombs | Timber Press

Dictionary of Plant Names

from $4.78

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Goodreads rating: 4.19

from $4.78

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49% off est. retail

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The "Dictionary of Plant Names" is a must-have for anyone interested in botany or gardening. Not only does it provide the meanings and derivations of over 3500 plant names, but it also includes common name cross-references, geographical distribution, and name origins. At a bargain price, this comprehensive book is an essential tool for all plant enthusiasts.
Life On Earth - Thryft
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David Attenborough | William Collins

Life On Earth

from $8.40

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Goodreads rating: 4.45

from $8.40

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A new, fully updated edition of David Attenborough’s groundbreaking Life on Earth.David Attenborough’s unforgettable meeting with gorillas became an iconic moment for millions of television viewers. Life on Earth, the series and accompanying book, fundamentally changed the way we view and interact with the natural world setting a new benchmark of quality, influencing a generation of nature lovers.Told through an examination of animal and plant life, this is an astonishing celebration of the evolution of life on earth, with a cast of characters drawn from the whole range of organisms that have ever lived on this planet. Attenborough’s perceptive, dynamic approach to the evolution of millions of species of living organisms takes the reader on an unforgettable journey of discovery from the very first spark of life to the blue and green wonder we know today.To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the book’s first publication, David Attenborough revisited Life on Earth, completely updating and adding to the original text, taking account of modern scientific discoveries from around the globe. This paperback edition also includes more than 60 full colour photographs, chosen by the author to help illustrate the book in a much greater way than was possible forty years ago.This updated edition provides a fitting tribute to an enduring wildlife classic, destined to enthral the generation who saw it when first published and bring it alive for a whole new generation.
Natural World 2: Living World - Thryft
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Steve Parker | Dorling Kindersley

Natural World 2: Living World

from $10.46

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Goodreads rating: 0.0

from $10.46

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Rainforest - Thryft
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Sara Oldfield, Bruce Coleman  | New Holland


from $12.88

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Goodreads rating: 3.38

from $12.88

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Recommendation: Rainforest celebrates the beauty and diversity of wildlife in the rainforest, one of the world's most complex and rich habitats. Written by a leading expert, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in learning about the unique flora and fauna found in the rainforest. Its stunning visuals and comprehensive information would appeal to nature lovers, biologists, and eco-conscious individuals.
One Planet - Thryft
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Stephen Moss | Bbc Physical Audio

One Planet

from $17.90

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Goodreads rating: 4.56

from $17.90

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This book, "One Planet", is a captivating journey through Earth's most incredible environments. With stunning photographs and footage from the BBC Natural History Unit, it provides a unique and immersive look into the lives of the diverse wildlife that inhabit our planet. From the blistering heat of the deserts to the depths of the jungle, you'll witness the fascinating adaptations and behaviors of creatures competing for survival. But what truly sets this book apart is its exploration of the urban environment, shedding light on the surprising range of behaviors occurring right under our noses. Prepare to be amazed as you see our planet, and its inhabitants, in a whole new light.
The Golden Retriever Handbook - Thryft
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D. Caroline Coile | B E S Pub Co

The Golden Retriever Handbook

from $2.33

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Goodreads rating: 3.73

from $2.33

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Whether owners of these handsome dogs keep them as house pets or as superb hunters, they'll find this book a wealth of information on all aspects of purchasing, feeding, training, grooming, health care, and more. Titles in Barron's popular Pet Handbooks series instruct pet owners on health care, proper feeding and housing, and other facts important to owners and their pets.
An Obsession With Butterflies - Our Long Love Affair With A Singular Insect - Thryft
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from $3.88

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80% off est. retail

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"An Obsession With Butterflies" is a beautiful, lyrical book that delves into the infinite fascination humans have for butterflies. It is a must-read for anyone who has ever been captivated by the beauty of butterflies, and for those who wish to delve deeper into the world of butterfly enthusiasts and collectors. The book provides a fascinating insight into the strange world of butterfly obsession, and the individuals who have dedicated their lives to researching and collecting these beautiful creatures.
Extreme Insects - Thryft
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Richard Jones | Collins

Extreme Insects

from $6.28

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Goodreads rating: 4.47

from $6.28

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Insects are the most extreme organisms on Earth and, despite their diminutive size, they wield inordinate power. With the exception of the polar icecaps, every terrestrial ecosystem on earth is colonized by them, and they account for almost three-quarters of all named animals – that's one million species at the last count!This book is a celebration of the insect universe, exploring their amazing forms and functions, their fascinating behaviour and the enormous impact they have on our lives. With its lively and informative text, it looks at insects in all their extremes, from the biggest, fastest and fiercest to the best nest builder, most devious hunter and deadliest bride.Insects are extreme in numbers – a single leaf-cutter ant nest, the size of a large camper van, may contain seven million individuals working together as a single giant super-organism. Insects are extreme in their bizarre forms – the stalk-eyed fly, as its name suggests, carries its eyes on the end of two ludicrously long stalks. And insects are invariably extreme in behaviour – take for instance the giraffe-necked weevil that holds head-bobbing contests to win a mate. Yet there is always method in their apparent madness, as each strange form and function is an adaptation designed to solve the extreme pressures that arise through the struggle to survive in a world that is always dangerous, competitive and unforgiving.
The Time Before History - Thryft
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The Time Before History

Regular price $14.90 from $8.90 42% off

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Regular price $14.90 from $8.90 42% off

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59% off est. retail

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If you've ever been curious about how humanity and Earth have shaped each other, Colin Tudge's "The Time Before History" will feed your fascination. His meticulous blending of various scientific disciplines offers a cohesive journey through our planet's and species' past, making complex topics accessible. It's like a time machine that enriches your understanding of the present.
A Field Guide To Plants Of Costa Rica - Thryft
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Larry Kimball, Margaret Gargiullo  | Oxford University Press

A Field Guide To Plants Of Costa Rica

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.43

Regular price $3.88 from $2.72 30% off

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93% off est. retail

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This book is an essential guide for naturalists, both beginners and experts alike, who want to explore the wide variety of plants in Costa Rica. With over 850 species accompanied by color photographs and detailed descriptions, it is easy to identify the plants by type of vegetation. The illustrated glossary of plant parts, five maps of Costa Rica, and laminated covers make it a durable and practical tool for exploring the country's flora.

Step Into the Wonders of Nature

Discover the enthralling narratives of the natural world with Thryft's Nature collection. Here, you can find works by celebrated authors and environmentalists who bring the splendour of the earth to life. Whether you're passionate about conservation or enchanted by wilderness tales, our selection offers a variety of perspectives and stories. Explore titles that challenge, inspire, and awaken your ecological curiosity.