Music Books

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Pro Tools Overdrive! - Thryft

Pro Tools Overdrive!

Regular price $9.90 from $3.90 67% off

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Regular price $9.90 from $3.90 67% off

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94% off est. retail

In stock: Well Read

Aimed at experienced users of the Pro Tools program, "Pro Tools Overdrive!" offers concise chunks of guru-level advice on the Pro Tools application. Pro Tools is a music sequencer that allows musicians to develop, and engineers to record, professional quality music. A complex software program with applications in disparate professional contexts, Pro Tools is by far the most popular music technology application on the market today, setting many standards over the years for the "non-linear" digital audio production community. "Pro Tools X Overdrive!" cuts to the chase and provides power tip after power tip, gleaned from the author's experience as a Pro Tools power user. The book's nonlinear format means that readers don't have to sit down and read it from beginning to end in order to benefit from it. Instead, they can pull useful tips and techniques from any chapter and immediately apply them to their work. Equally useful for musicians, dance mixers, post engineers, and sound designers, "Pro Tools X Overdrive!" contains a thorough table of contents, easy to browse chapter and tip headings, and a complete index, making it the perfect tool to reference again and again.

Author: Mark I. Altin
Publisher: Course Technology
Publication Date: 2005
The Art of Possibility
Rosamund Stone Zander, Benjamin Zander  | Fisicalbook

The Art of Possibility

from $8.90

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Goodreads rating: 3.93

from $8.90

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In stock: Well Read

If you find yourself in a creative rut or simply searching for a new perspective on life, "The Art of Possibility" could be a companion to rejuvenate your approach. It's not just a book; it's a mindset shift wrapped in pages. The Zanders' blend of professional expertise and personal anecdotes make the concept of possibility come alive, suggesting that this book won't just change the way you think—it could change the way you live.
Finale 2014 : A Trailblazer Guide - Thryft
Mark Johnson | Penelope Press

Finale 2014 : A Trailblazer Guide

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 59% off

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Goodreads rating: 4.33

Regular price $5.90 from $3.90 59% off

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92% off est. retail

In stock: Well Read

This book is a must-read for music composers, educators, engravers, and students who desire to use Finale 2014 to its fullest potential. The author, Mark Johnson, has years of experience in working with music enthusiasts and provides expert guidance on using the software's latest features. It offers step-by-step methods to simplify music score creation and increase productivity by highlighting essential tools and shortcuts.
The Inner Game of Tennis
W. Timothy Gallwey | Pan Books

The Inner Game of Tennis

from $8.26

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Goodreads rating: 4.19

from $8.26

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55% off est. retail

In stock: Very Good, Well Read

If you're looking to elevate your tennis game beyond just strokes and footwork, "The Inner Game of Tennis" could be your secret weapon. It taps into the psychological aspect that often gets sidelined. Imagine understanding the mind as well as you understand the court, breaking through barriers you didn't know you had. It's a blend of sports psychology and practical wisdom, a game-changer that could help you play the best tennis of your life.

Dive into a World of Sounds

At Thryft, our Music collection spans everything from sheet music, instrument guides to biographies of key musicians. Dive into the world of classical compositions, contemporary pop developments, or the spontaneity of jazz improvisation. Explore our Music collection and enrich your understanding and appreciation of music.