Best Business Travel Europe- How to converse, bargain, dine, dress, and conduct yourself when doing business in 30 different European countries- is a complete guide for business travelers on customs, cultures and communication. It covers topics from manners and greetings to punctuality practices and business customs for each country in Europe. This book includes everything you'll need to know to do business "across the pond." 2006 General"Globalization has brought American companies new opportunities and new challenges. In my role as CEO and/or President of Marriott Lodging, Northwest Airlines and Burger King, I was keenly aware that knowing and respecting the uniqueness of customers, clients and employees is crucial to success. Mary Bosrock's books are essential tools for anyone entering the international market."-John Chairman and CEO, Astar Air Cargo"I highly recommend Mary Bosrock¹s book to all my colleagues. Our organization awarded Mary the Spirit of Diplomacy Award for her longstanding work in promoting respect and understanding across borders."- Ginger President,Protocol & Diplomacy International“A readable and easily understood “dos and don’ts” guide for those planning to do business in Europe. It allows confidence building, understanding, and avoids unrealistic expectations. An essential read for business travelers, tourists, diplomats, and anyone interested in dealing with those at the “worker bee” level of the global economy.”-Patrick W. President of The Minnesota Consular Group and Honorary Counsul of Romania